women's studies

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women's studies

pl n
(Education) courses in history, literature, psychology, etc, that are particularly concerned with women's roles, experiences, and achievements
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

wom′en's stud′ies

a program of studies concentrating on the role of women in history, learning, and culture.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Orientation workshops will be conducted over fifteen months, aimed at strengthening the university's Gender and Women's Studies Department to conduct research-based study.
Guy-Sheftall says it is deliberately called comparative women's studies because it explores the experiences of women in various cultural contexts.
Professor Carole Ferrier, who helped established Women's Studies at the University of Queensland remains unconvinced that the Arts Executive Dean's decision to discontinue the major is indicative of a 'mainstreaming' of feminism within the academy, but instead suggests the program's axing carries potentially damaging long term implications, including 'falling back into the dominant orthodoxies that seem to be gaining all around us' (Edexpress 2013).
Applications should include the title and aim of the project for which the applicant is seeking the award, the relationship of the project to the aims of the Women's Studies Association and how the award will be used.
In the resulting forum presented here, administrators, instructors, and scholars comment on the current place and future of women's studies and sexuality studies programs in the US and Canadian academies today.
I received this pencil at the table of the UW System's Women's Studies Librarian at the 27th Annual UW System Women's Studies Conference in 2002.
Each semester a different faculty member leads the Seminar in Women's Studies and gets to choose a certain topic or overall theme.
An opening chapter sketches the social, political, economic, and academic conditions under which the first Canadian women's Studies projects were launched.
In its youth, women's studies was largely concerned with including women in the university by telling their often-overlooked stories and by engaging in research that would contribute to women's rights projects.
This last section deals with the debate surrounding Black Women's Studies as separate or included within Black Studies.
For women's health to be truly inclusive and reflect the field of women's studies, Rosser (public policy and history, technology, and society, Georgia Institute of Technology) argues, it must address diversity.
Badran again returned for the academic year 1998-99 as a Fulbright lecturer at the Empirical Research and Women's Studies Center at Sanaa University and was extended for another year.

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