women's liberation

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Related to women's liberation: women's rights

Women's Liberation

(Sociology) a movement directed towards the removal of attitudes and practices that preserve inequalities based upon the assumption that men are superior to women. Also called: women's lib
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

wom′en's libera′tion

a movement to combat sexism and to gain full political, social, and other rights and opportunities for women equal to those of men. Also called wom′en's libera′tion move`ment, wom′en's move`ment.
wom′en's libera′tionist, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

Women's Liberation

[ˈwɪmɪnsˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən] n (also Women's Lib) → Movimento per la Liberazione della Donna
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Off-screen, she championed feminism, and was involved with the women's liberation movement.
The Women's Liberation Movement and the Politics of Class in Britain
Christabelle Sethna and Steve Hewitt, Just Watch Us: RCMP Surveillance of the Women's Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press 2018)
How can it be an expression of women's liberation then?
Buoyed by victory and optimism, my generation, born at the end of World War II, welcomed the initial stirrings of women's liberation rippling through the country.
As the world reels from the throes of patriarchal, fascist and militarist violence, we renew our call for a revolutionary struggle with women's liberation as its focal point against oppression and exploitation in all forms and manifestations,' the party said.
Recalling the women's contribution to the national development, the speaker said Begum Rokeya, Sufia Kamal and Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib had worked for women's liberation and building enlightened women.
Women's liberation seeks more than "empowerment" within current power structures that harm us.
Having emerged from the Los Angeles LGBT club scene of the early 1970s, and alongside the women's liberation movement, Jett is presented as an important trailblazer in the macho and misogynist 1970s rock industry.
It is based on the 1970 Miss World pageant in London, the live broadcast of which was disrupted, as part of the Women's Liberation Movement, claiming that such beauty competitions demeaned women.
A long-time partisan of the struggle for women's liberation, Donna Goodman deftly recounts how women in the United States confronted a whole society (from the legal system to popular culture to home life) that was immersed in blatant sexism, discrimination and anti-woman violence.

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