women's refuge

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women's refuge

(Social Welfare) social welfare a house where battered women and their children can go for protection from their oppressors
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The campaign was launched by Chief Constable Sue Sim and Ms Baird at a women's refuge at a secret location yesterday.
THE wife of former Prime Minister Tony Blair proudly opened a women's refuge in Middlesbrough yesterday.
A NEW computer suite has been opened at a women's refuge to help victims of domestic violence start to rebuild their lives.
Ruby Porter, 66, first went out to Sree Pur Village Orphanage and Women's Refuge after seeing a shocking TV documentary about its work.
Everyone liked to fawn over her because she looked such a cute little baby.' 'ME and Kerry were living at a women's refuge in Manchester and the dog lived there too.
WORKERS at a women's refuge today explained their "impossible position" when dealing with immigrants who have been abused.
The charity started as a women's refuge run by volunteers.
Over the last year money has been raised for the Leukaemia Research Fund, a women's refuge, Myton Hospice, the Alzheimer's Disease Fund, Playbox Theatre and Arthritis Research.
THE director of a women's refuge in the North East is calling on people to burn copies of the smash hit erotic novel 50 Shades Of Grey.
Clare Phillipson, director of the women's refuge, said: "It's absolutely disgraceful.
A WOMEN'S refuge in Teesside was being opened today by Cherie Blair, pictured inset.
Married Single Other (Monday, BBC1, 9pm) stars our own Lucy Davis as a women's refuge worker, plus Ralf Little (The Royle Family) and Spooks' Miranda Raison.

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