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The Church called those saints who pleased God and performed miracles, namely Cosmas and Damian of Arabia, Cosmas and Damian of Asia Minor, Cyrus and John, Thalelaeus, Cosmas and Damian of Rome, Ermolai, Panteleimon, Anikita and Photius, Dyodim, Luke the surgeon, archbishop of Crimea, etc., "wonderworking unmercenary physicians."
In John's telling, discipleship was more important than Jesus' wonderworking, and while miracles are always a nice surprise, growth in faith usually involves significant struggle.
The mental processes implicated in the act of reading, attentiveness, focus, engagement, agreement are all involved in the consumption of a book seen as "literary object." Between the reader and his literary object lays a resonant space governed by some rigorous principles, as that of closure, continuity, proximity, similarity, symmetry--according to Peter Stockwell, in his wonderworking study, Texture.
The tradition had handed down images of Christ's wonderworking abilities before the official first miracle at Cana: his hanging jugs on sunbeams, killing disagreeable playmates and grudgingly resurrecting them at Joseph's behest, infusing life into clay birds on the Sabbath, lengthening wooden items for disgruntled customers in Joseph's carpenter's shop, and other actions even less reconcilable with divine goodness, not to mention, biblical accounts.
The icon in some sense stops being a human artefact when it is blessed for use: every icon is--as far as liturgical use is concerned--acheiropoietos, 'not made with hands', like those legendary images imprinted directly by divine action; every icon is 'wonderworking', a site of divine intervention.
The affectation of Buddhist teachers to wonderworking community (sangha).