car accident

(redirected from Traffic accident)
Also found in: Medical, Acronyms.
Related to Traffic accident: Car accident

car accident

nAutounfall m
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References in periodicals archive ?
Evaluation of traffic accident cases admitted to the emergency department of the Firat University Hospital in 1997-2001.
Summary: Negligence by drivers is a pivotal factor that leads to traffic accidents and losses of life, head of RTA's Traffic and Roads Agency says
"The aim of such an innovative proposal, which was devised by the Operations Department at the Directorate General of Central Operations, is to provide an optimal warning for drivers within seconds of a traffic accident a few kilometers ahead of them on external roads, to avoid eventual surprises in foggy weather," he stated.
In general, national roads having asphalt pavement have statistically the highest traffic accident rate.
Road traffic accident investigators, also known as collision investigators, conduct detailed investigations into road traffic accidents, either in traffic units for the police force or on behalf of insurance companies or legal firms.
Practice head Alison Gray recently advised on the settlement of a traffic accident claim.
The Oita prefectural police on Thursday sent papers on a police officer to prosecutors on suspicion of neglecting the processing of 16 traffic accidents and violations and taking related documents home with him, police said.
An advisory panel to the National Police Agency (NPA) on Thursday proposed revoking the licenses of drunken drivers and drivers who cause fatal traffic accidents.
The development of modern transportation systems has led to an increase in the road traffic accidents resulting not only in injuries and loss of lives but causing a major financial threat to the nations (Kazmi and Zubair, 2014; Zia et al., 2014).
Epidemiological study of road traffic accident cases: A study from South India.
According to the data compiled by Statistics Korea, the country averaged 1.3 deaths in traffic accidents out of every 100,000 children aged 14 or below between 2014 and 2016, a sharp fall from the fatality rate of 3.7 posted between 2004 and 2006.

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