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 (trə-do͞o′shə-nĭz′əm, -dyo͞o′-)
n. Theology
The belief that the soul is inherited from the parents along with the body.

[From Late Latin trādūciānus, believer in traducianism, from trādux, trāduc-, inheritance, from Latin, vine-branch trained for propagation, from trādūcere, to lead across; see traduce.]

tra·du′cian·ist adj. & n.
tra·du′cian·is′tic adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Ecclesiastical Terms) the theory that the soul is transmitted to a child in the act of generation or concomitantly with its body. Compare creationism
[C18: from Church Latin trādūciānus, from trādux transmission; see traduce]
traˈducianist, traˈducian n, adj
traˌducianˈistic adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Theology. the doctrine that a new human soul is generated from the souls of the parents at the moment of conception. — traducianist, n. — traducianistic, adj.
See also: Soul
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
God and infused into the body) and traducianism (in which the soul as
Sin, observes that "traducianism can accommodate the idea of an
Around 1664 Hale seems to have favored traducianism with respect to the origin of the soul, but by 1672 he certainly held the position of creationism, (172) and this latter creationist doctrine is favored in the present treatise (B1, 109v).
Those who understand it as describing two separate creative acts by God have generally understood the origin of the souls of Adam's descendants in terms of either (soul) creationism (22) or traducianism. Soul creationism is the view that God separately creates the soul of each individual at conception (or, in some variants, somewhat later)--thus repeating for each individual what he did for Adam.
How does the evidence for emergence compare with that for soul creationism and traducianism? There is no direct biblical teaching on the subject.
Emergence is actually quite similar to traducianism, in that both hold that our soul (personhood) derives from the soul (personhood) of our parents, and is propagated in conjunction with the generation of our bodies.
Even as a bishop, Augustine still entertained four possibilities concerning the soul's origin and nature: (1) traducianism (the soul passed on or generated in procreation), which could clarify the source of original sin, whereas it could not as easily explain the soul's immortality; (2) creationism, with the exact inverse problem: if God creates the soul directly, its immortality is understandable, but how or why the fallenness of Adam continues is unclear; (3) the "mission" theory, that God first creates the soul and then sends it into a body when ready, and (4) R.'s "fallen soul" theory, that the soul once existed in a purely spiritual realm but was sent into corporeality as a punishment for some divine aversion.
Traducianism can still be fundamentally expressed using the early metaphor of Tertullian (c.
While this position is consistent with traducianism, it firmly rebuffs any trend to ignore divine action in the soul origin process.
Nor can Traducianism. For it can account neither for the origin, nor for the hereditary taint of the soul.
On the Soul advocates Traducianism (parents' transmission of human souls to their children), paving the way for Augustine's (who frequently quotes him) teachings on the Fall and Original Sin.
To argue so would be to argue either that a corporeal causation could produce a spiritual reality(36) or that there is some sort of traducianism that comes into play.