traffic density

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traffic density

The average number of vehicles that occupy one mile or one kilometer of road space, expressed in vehicles per mile or per kilometer.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The new system aims at adopting international best practices in the management of road safety programmes, technical analysis, study of traffic safety data and assessment of information such as traffic density information; speed data and road assets (such as signboards, bridges, underpasses and barriers).
They took place in high traffic density and commercial areas and caused road blockades and disrupted business.
This integrated digital communications solution mobilises and unites digital communications for railways by carrying signalling and operational information directly to train operators: enabling faster speeds and greater traffic density. The GSM-R solution includes base stations and advanced high-speed railways tunnel communications and services.
Traffic density is estimated to increase greatly when the new hospital is built at Ystrad Mynach in Caerphilly county, as well as a huge new local authority building housing hundreds of staff.
This system uses cutting edge technology and allows air traffic controller' to handle high traffic density.
I do not claim that all these aircraft are airliners, I hold the Civil Aviation Authority responsible for the traffic density within the air corridors here, maintain that it has increased extraordinarily over the last 12 months and am fiercely opposed to proposals to expand the corridors even further in March.
"We do have a traffic density here that is lower than elsewhere.
The =approach will need to take due account of the enormous differences =between tunnels, particularly in terms of traffic density and design =(single or twin bore), and offer operators some degree of flexibility in =achieving an adequate level of safety.
In London and Glasgow, where traffic density is higher, the birds are considered to be virtually extinct.
Imposition of constraints by ground-based controllers will be necessary only when potential maneuvers might interfere with other aircraft, when traffic density precludes free-flight operations, when unauthorized entry of special-use airspace is imminent, or when flight restrictions are considered necessary for safety (RTCA, 1995).
The areas selected for such bridges experience heavy traffic density and have had traffic accidents involving pedestrians, it is learnt.
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