value system

(redirected from Social value)

value system

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Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
He was all for nature and liberty, whereas I had now come to realise the charm of the artificial, and the social value of constraint.
I recognised its social values, I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course.
In this parable the young shepherd is obviously the man of to-day; the snake that chokes him represents the stultifying and paralysing social values that threaten to shatter humanity, and the advice "Bite!
With the annihilation of all capital they would vanish too; but universal ruin (providing it was universal, as it was revealed to Michaelis) would leave the social values untouched.
Commenting on the announcement John Wilson, managing director of Eric Wright Construction said: 'The NWCH evaluated the submissions against robust criteria which focus not just on our ability to deliver construction excellence but in adding social value through a partnership approach.
Esh is hosting a Social Value breakfast event on Wednesday 25 September at Wynyard Hall to bring together the business leaders who are game-changers in the sector to share their ideas, pool their resources and build a fully collaborative network across the North East.
Rachel Best, a member of Telford & Wrekin's procurement team, advised businesses that to successfully win public sec-tor contracts they needed to demonstrate a high level of social value when it comes to the economy, environment and local communities.
Recently, SK hosted Social Value Connect 2019 for over 4,000 participants, double the expected number, and started a big debate about how the firms should pay back society.
- The latest ICT and dialogue with employees demonstrate NEC's social value creation -
One of the key objectives of the Our Town Hall project is to deliver 'social value' by leaving a legacy in skills, experience and inspiration for those considering careers in construction.