social season

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: season - the season for major social events
season - a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field; "he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company"; "she always looked forward to the avocado season"
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It was a lively scene, for soon the spirit of the social season took possession of everyone, and Christmas merriment made all faces shine, hearts happy, and heels light.
From Paris we went to London, and reached there early in July, just about the height of the London social season. Parliament was in session, and there was a great deal of gaiety.
At the height of the social season a weekend cannot pass without one star of stage and screen or the other lighting up a UAE venue.
Summary: The social season is picking up again and more new restaurants are popping up.
President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club has applied for permission to hire 61 foreign workers to serve as waiters and cooks during the winter social season in Palm Beach, Florida, according to data posted this week by the Labor Department.
WE'RE having a heatwave, sporting events are well underway, the tennis starts tomorrow, the summer social season is in full swing, so we've rounded up some of the best liquid refreshment to help things along.
SUMMER WINES, BEERS AND CIDERS TO CHILL OUT WITH WE'RE having a heatwave, sporting events are well underway, the tennis starts tomorrow, the summer social season is in full swing, so we've rounded up some of the best liquid refreshment to help things along.
WITH the promise of heatwaves on the horizon, and certain sporting events well underway, summer social season is on full swing.
Networking There are spontaneous networking opportunities as it is the social season to attend celebrations, events and get-together outings.
AS the summer social season rolls in, cocktails play a starring role - especially those that don't challenge the senses but have just the right balance to leave you wanting another.
Highlights from this season's London Fashion Week included, the British fashion house DAKS Spring Summer 2018 womenswear collection inspired by the British Social Season and the regatta as the main focal point.
Around 21 charities held events at the mansion between November and April during the active social season, ( ABC News reported, citing Palm Beach town records.

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