social sciences

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social sciences

A group of disciplines that study human society and the relationships between it and its members, including anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, and sociology.
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References in classic literature ?
The great advance which has been made since Shelley's time in the knowledge of history and the social sciences throws a pitiless light on the absurdity of this theory, showing that social institutions, terribly imperfect as they are, are by no means chiefly bad but rather represent the slow gains of thousands of years of painful progress; none the less the theory was bound to appeal irresistibly to such an impulsive and inexperienced idealism as that of Shelley.
When Paul Tichlorne entered college, he let it be generally understood that he was going in for the social sciences. Lloyd Inwood, entering at the same time, elected to take the same course.
But still Sergey Ivanovitch had expected that on its appearance his book would be sure to make a serious impression on society, and if it did not cause a revolution in social science it would, at any rate, make a great stir in the scientific world.
The social sciences are, by whatever definition, challenging and inquiring and at University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, the new faculty will ask questions about how people live their lives in society, in communities and in families; who decides what a family is; and what is the relationship of the individual to the family and the family to the state.
Encyclopedia of philosophy and the social sciences; 2v.
The organization has a national membership and is responsible for publishing the Journal of Rural Social Sciences.
As a scholar of Black Studies in general and of the history of African Americans and European Americans in the social sciences in particular, I was struck with befuddlement by a superficially simple yet devilishly complex question: Why should one pursue my narrow line of work?
Stuart Macintyre, The Poor Relation: A History of Social Sciences in Australia, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 2010.
He said the social sciences must be studied rigorously alongside hard sciences, and that in many ways they complement each other.
Social scientists respond to this idea by eschewing explicit normative claims for fear of being labeled "unscientific." In the social sciences, taking sides on a moral question is often a sign of bad scholarship.
THE social sciences have long been an outlier when it comes to higher education in Pakistan.
Contributors from a number of social sciences characterize the status of social sciences today and suggest how they can retain and improve their relevance.

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