social register

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social register

A directory listing persons of social prominence in a community.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Uwais also asserted that about 300,000 of the over 700,000 persons on the National Social Register were under the Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme, without explaining why 400,000 persons were yet to be reached.
Government has taken a decision to introduce a single social register programme for all social welfare beneficiaries to allow for single beneficiation per programme.
(10) Chaucer (or the Miller, as a proxy narrator) moreover fills his plot with stock characters who are foils to the chivalric characters of the Knight's Tale, to which the Miller responds by "quyting" the Knight's tale, mirroring love triangles in an entirely different social register.
The preparation of the "Social Register", which provides for the collection of information on beneficiaries in a single electronic database, will further simplify electronic appeal.
History and heritage are compelling enough that many social register A-listers have embraced it as an advocacy, making it classy and newsworthy.
Brooke says, "He requested that mom terminate the pregnancy, explaining that having a child out of wedlock would risk my father getting kicked off the Social Register." He handed her an envelope with cash, expecting her to follow through with an abortion decision.
Nearly all white and Protestant, the top families belonged to the same exclusive clubs, were listed in the Social Register, educated their children at the same elite institutions.
She said the social register for all citizens in the country ad that his was a unified form through which services would be delivered to each citizen, within the efforts underway to secure and ensure coordination between all institutions in the country.
"Because of their institutionalized and pitiless nature, many of the early American families are still found in the American Social Register" (p.
Fortune Social Register Ranks Most Influential Executives On Social Media
And as a stenographer working for the society editor of The New York Times, she'd made a close study of The Social Register.
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