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(Biography) Richard John, known as King Dick. 1845–1906, New Zealand statesman, born in England; prime minister of New Zealand (1893–1906)
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Ian Seddon, former deputy head of South Sefton Sixth Form College, died on August 5.
Julian Seddon paid PS250,000 for the AC Cobra 289 in October 2014.
Now gang leader Peter O'Garro, supervisor Stephen Seddon and security officers Christopher Hughes and Shahid Nadeem have all been jailed.
At, a nonprofit organization forming under the name Park Advocates of Villa Park is accepting funds to put toward renovating the aging outdoor facility so it can operate at least a few more years, said Steve Seddon of Villa Park.
TATTENHALL-BASED Illingworth Seddon chartered financial planners have raised a fantastic PS14,000 at their fourth annual charity golf day, with the money going to their chosen charities.
PROMISING young Blues defender Steve Seddon has signed a one-year contract extension.
He hit the car, she spun and he struck on the Prosecutor Jill Seddon told the Huddersfield court that earlier in the day the 48-year-old's partner had thrown his belongings out of their home in Larch Road, Paddock.
Abbey and Holly Seddon, 14, were banned from lessons at Northumberland Church of England Academy's Josephine Butler campus because of their PS50 black Vans.
Abbey and Holly Seddon, both 14, were banned from lessons at Northumberland Church of England Academy's Josephine Butler campus because of their PS50 black Vans.
Getaway driver Lee James Seddon was sent to prison for 13 years and four months at Preston Crown Court on February 4 last year.