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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a military or police officer who has the power to influence government policy
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"New powers will need to be put on the statute book in the next parliament, and I will advocate them as much as any chiselfaced securocrat," he went on.
Unfortunately she was faced with weak Irish governments who failed to oppose her securocrat agenda or to enlist international support in defense of citizens in the north.
They must use it - instead of trying to dismiss the findings of an international commission as a securocrat conspiracy against them.
South Africa moved from a narrow concept of state security in a militarist, securocrat sense, to a belief that the security of the nation is intimately bound up with the ability of the state to deliver on the needs and interests of the people of the country.
The lingering securocrat mindset means that the internet is provided and controlled solely by the state-owned Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC).
de Klerk led to the dismantling of Botha's expensive and unpopular "securocrat" apparatus.
No, the damaging case against May is purely political, just look at her authoritarian record during which the securocrat placed little value on privacy and free speech.
From the most lily-livered libertarian to the most sinister securocrat, one thing we all seem to share is a total lack of shock at the scale of the snooping which has been uncovered in the last week.
Some of the money from a private intelligence company chaired by a former high US securocrat official, Chester Crocker, from a Finnish billionaire lobbyist for Israel, who owns an arms company in the US and whose father founded the Israeli arms industry, and from men from the undergrowth of Britain's Hedge Fund community, went into Atlantic Bridge.
Said a spokesman: "There can be little doubt that this was part of a securocrat agenda which is still intent on subverting the peace process.
A SF spokesman said the bug was part of a "securocrat agenda which is intent on subverting the peace process.
This is just the sor t of 'securocrat' conspiracy theory that Sinn Fein would normally jump at - especially as it absolves republicans of responsibility for some of worst crimes of the Troubles.