security review

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security review

The process of reviewing news media products at some point, usually before transmission, to ensure that no oral, written, or visual information is filed for publication or broadcast that would divulge national security information or would jeopardize ongoing or future operations or that would threaten the safety of the members of the force. See also security.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: review - counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemysecurity review - counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy
military censorship - all types of censorship conducted by personnel of the armed forces
national censorship - censorship under civil authority of communications entering or leaving of crossing the borders of the United States or its territories or possessions
counterintelligence - intelligence activities concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat to security posed by hostile intelligence organizations or by individuals engaged in espionage or sabotage or subversion or terrorism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
ISLAMABAD -- India's Davis Cup tie against Pakistan at Islamabad next month has been postponed to November under 'exceptional circumstances' after a security review, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) said on Thursday.
Based on comprehensive security review, UN restores Islamabad's status as family station for its international staff.
Summary: Dinjan (Assam) [India], Mar 27 (ANI): A high-level security review meeting of senior army officials along with the representatives from civil administration and central armed police forces of Assam, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh was held by the Operation Group here on Wednesday.
China is using fake news and social media to try and create a 'fake civil society' to subvert Taiwan's democracy, the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission said in its latest annual report published Wednesday.
He, however, said that a security review has determined that curfew hours be retained in Kujama, Kasuwan Magani and Kachia towns in the state.
ISLAMABAD -- A total of 28 terrorist attacks took place in Pakistan in October 2018, according to the Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies' monthly security review.
Bosses say they have conducted a security review after the computers were taken from the eighth floor of Sunlight House, on Quay Street.
US President Donald Trump's administration unveiled a plan on Wednesday for a stronger security review process for foreign investors acquiring American technologies, softening its tone from previous remarks indicating it would specifically block Chinese investments.
April 12, 2018 (JUBA) -- South Sudan's Strategic Defense and Security Review (SDSR) Board meeting, initially scheduled for 12 April, has been postponed to next month.
Mark Sedwill, who is currently heading a Ministry of Defence security review, declined an invitation to appear before the Defence Select Committee in October.

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