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(Biography) Adam. 1785–1873, English geologist; played a major role in establishing parts of the geological time scale, esp the Cambrian and Devonian periods
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References in classic literature ?
-- The abrupt manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palaeontologists, for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and by none more forcibly than by Professor Sedgwick, as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species.
Forbes, &c., and all our greatest geologists, as Lyell, Murchison, Sedgwick, &c., have unanimously, often vehemently, maintained the immutability of species.
They entered Nebraska at eleven, passed near Sedgwick, and touched at Julesburg, on the southern branch of the Platte River.
There's Bruce, and Virginia Spring, and Sedgwick. They do very nicely.
Insurance and benefits claims firm Sedgwick said it has completed its purchase of York Risk Services Group, which offers claims administration, managed care and loss adjusting services.
Sedgwick Closes on Acquisition of York Risk Services
They found Luke Sedgwick wandering around the area shouting, and noticed he was "heavily intoxicated" and his "speech was slurred".
16 July 2019 - Tennessee, US-based business solutions provider Sedgwick has agreed to acquire New Jersey, US-based risk solutions provider York Risk Services Group, the company said.
Consolidation of Third-Party Administrators Continues With Sedgwick's Purchase of York
The contract went to Sedgwick Kenya Insurance Brokers as the broker and CIC as the underwriter.
Sedgwick, has announced it has completed the acquisition by The Carlyle Group of majority ownership of Sedgwick from KKR and other shareholders, the company said.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-January 8, 2019-Carlyle Group acquires majority ownership of Sedgwick from KKR