Sainte Foy

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Sainte Foy

(seɪnt ˈfɔɪ; sənt)
(Placename) a SW suburb of Quebec, on the St Lawrence River. Pop: 72 547 (2001)
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But for those whose need for speed has dwindled, who might appreciate the finer things in life, Sainte Foy is the perfect place to slow it all down.
VENTURE Ski ( is marking its 10th Anniversary in Sainte Foy in the French Alps, by launching 10 special offers over 10 weeks - including free heli-skiing.
THE French Alpine village of Sainte Foy is set a favourite for discerning winter sports enthusiasts looking for a family-friendly ski resort and Premiere Neige, the luxury ski holiday specialist, has recently unveiled one of the French Alps' best-kept secrets to families in the Middle East.
The relatively small, but perfectly formed resort of Sainte Foy in the Tarentaise valley may not be the most famous in the region, but it does boast all of the above.
The popularity of Sainte Foy is only going to increase in 2010."
The setting for our ski foray was absolutely idyllic, a beautiful little resort called Sainte Foy in the French Alps.
Fiso Technologies in Sainte Foy, Quebec, says that its model FOP-M-055-300 fiber optic microelectromechanical pressure sensor is insensitive to cable bending and high levels of electromagnetic and radio-frequency interference.
They examine the three distinct narratives that make up the Liber miraculorum sancte Fidis, a compilation of miracles attributed to Sainte Foy, whose cult had become established at the monastery of Conques in southern France during the ninth century.
Villagers in Sainte Foy La Grande, in south west France, where the crash happened at midday, said the crossing was an accident blackspot.