Saint-John Perse

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Saint-John Perse

(ˈsɪndʒən ˈpɜːs)
(Biography) See Perse
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Tirolien drew on a wide range of reading throughout his life, but a great influence (also echoed in the title of Feuilles vivantes au matin) was the Guadeloupe-born poet Saint-John Perse, exile and wanderer between nations.
City of Beginnings includes analyses of the Arab modernists' creative encounters with Ezra Pound, Saint-John Perse, and Antonin Artaud, as well as their adaptations of classical literary forms.
I really chuckled when, at the first literary workshop I attended, the moderator was sure I wrote like Whitman, in spite of the fact that, naively, I believed I had written like Saint-John Perse ...
As I thought of all of this, I came across an article by Stephen Spender about Saint-John Perse's Vents (Winds), a book-length poem communicating a vision of the American continent being swept by the winds of change--winds that destroy and blow away the old, scattering seeds and bringing in the climate for the new in an ever-variable series of cycles.
Of the three Nobel laureates in literature the region has produced, Derek Walcott merits one passing reference, Saint-John Perse and V.
Me decia Xavier Benguerel, a quien debemos, en catalan, y en versos, la version de todas (digo bien) las fabulas de La Fontaine, casi todo Baudelaire, amen de Valery, Mallarme, Poe, y algun que otro monstruo mas, que no le daba la gana ser de una fidelidad maniatica, porque este cumplir con las leyes aduaneras era peor que el cine doblado: no solo no era la voz, sino que lo que decia no sonaba; Saint-John Perse al pie de la letra es pretencioso, arcano, parece un anciano declamatorio que ha perdido la razon.
The Nobel League of diplomat-poets includes Gabriela Mistral, Saint-John Perse, George Seferis, Ivo Andric, Miguel Angel Asturias, Pablo Neruda and Octovio Paz.