Russell's body

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Noun1.Russell's body - an inclusion body found in plasma cells in cases of cancerRussell's body - an inclusion body found in plasma cells in cases of cancer
cellular inclusion, inclusion body, inclusion - any small intracellular body found within another (characteristic of certain diseases); "an inclusion in the cytoplasm of the cell"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Doctor Mahmud Rahman at the health complex said the upper side of Russell's body, including his throat, was burnt in the fire.
Russell's body was pulled from the Forth and Clyde canal near Bainsford Bridge, Falkirk, an hour later.
The inquest also heard the statement of Robert Tyson, the dog walker who called police after he discovered Mr Russell's body.
Russell's body was buried in his own grave, while the other remains were buried in four graves next to it.
Stephen Russell's body was discovered by a man walking his dog near the former Cadbury's factory, in Moreton, shortly before he was due to arrive at school.
Gary Bornholt said Russell's body left Afghanistan on Monday aboard a U.S.

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