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Of or relating to the style of architecture popularized by John Ruskin in the mid 1800s, characterized by polychromy, decorative brickwork, and Gothic arches.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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A small number of emergency restorations were made, but these were Ruskinian in nature and the building remains largely unaltered.
But 2019 promises something much closer to a total view--to an encounter with the startling range and depth of the Ruskinian artistic and social intelligence.
Ruskinian aesthetics are central to this study, as well as the place of Raphael in Victorian art history, as representing either an apotheosis of belief through the idealizing of the human form or a failure of the image to evoke religious feeling.
But with the antistratigraphic principle of the palimpsest, epitomized in the Ruskinian veil, adornment and erosion become one and the same.
BS: I knew there was a social struggle between cyberpunk and steampunk, between this romantic Ruskinian approach and this very chrome and metal futurism.
The authors of this book would, I think, recognise that as a distinctly Ruskinian observation.
The authors know that there can be no Ruskin in a nutshell; his protean nature resists classification and his willingness to reassess his own ideas and positions (what some have disparaged as a tendency to contradict himself) makes it difficult to point to a monolithic 'Ruskinian philosophy.'
In Foix's view, recorded in another notebook entry from 1911, d' Ors's style was characterized by "fin-de-siecle preciosity and decadence," producing "Pre-Raphaelite, Ruskinian, and even Wildean effects which do not fade despite the strong classicizing compulsion of the commentator, so lucid, intelligent, astute, and incisive." Foix clearly shared Ezra Pound's critical view of nineteenth-century poetic diction, what Pound called "the crust of dead English" that had "obfuscated" him in his poems and translations.
While modernism renounced certain aspects of Ruskin's work, such as his retreat from modernity and his nostalgic backward glance at the Gothic, the moderns retained more of their Ruskinian inheritance than they threw away" (Welman, 2001: 209).
She is stuck with the Ruskinian service ethic and the pervasive Victorian fantasy of the good woman who goes down into Samaria and rescues the fallen man--nurse, guide, mother, adjunct of the race." (38) Dinah's marriage to Adam, her transition from a charismatic Methodist preacher to a homebound mother, appears to support Millett's argument.
| THE GREAT OUTDOORS: A drawing excursion or picnic is a chance for you and your friends to enjoy a sandwich before pitting your drawing skills 'Ruskinian style' against mother nature.