honor code

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honor code

1. An honor system.
2. A set of rules forming the basis for an honor system.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Espoused values consist of the cadet honor codes and leadership values.
"We have also received information that you have engaged in behavior that violates the BYU Honor Code. I would like to meet with you and provide you with the information that we have received and give you an opportunity to respond."
The Supreme Court (SC) has affirmed its decision upholding the decision of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) in dismissing Cadet Aldrin Jeff Cudia in 2014 for violating the honor code.
But Victor Espinoza's mount, refreshed by his autumn break, should return to winning form with Honor Code and Aidan O'Brien's Gleneagles the dangers.
With groups of students at MIT and Yale, he included a signing statement with the quiz: "I understand that this experiment falls under the guidelines of the MIT/Yale honor code." Students not asked to sign cheated the standard amount, but those who signed did not cheat at all.
Brett Biebelberg, a junior involved in student government, called the study's secretive nature ''strikingly hypocritical,'' given that the university recently adopted an honor code for the first time.
A sense of honor formed the bedrock of the Corps of Cadets, but the honor code itself remained an unwritten set of guidelines largely passed on by the cadets themselves.
Khoja further said that the most important themes discussed by the Executive Office of Arab Information Ministers, during its second meeting, the theme of Media Honor Code and Arab Media Strategy; Intellectual theme representing in the importance of developing legislation for audio-visual satellite broadcasting in accordance with an integrated Arab vision and then, the most important and prominent theme representing in the common Arab media strategy to cope with the phenomenon of terrorism, which is considered as the most important and dangerous phenomenon on the future of the Arab nation.
The honor code addresses academic honesty by classifying unethical behaviors into four categories: a) acquiring information and providing information; b) plagiarism and dual submission; c) acquisition of examination and answers to examinations, conspiracy; and d) fabrication, misrepresentation, alterations of documents, and forgery (Prairie View A&M University, n.d., pp.
Vincent, UT's vice president for diversity and community engagement, said the YCT members would be "willfully ignoring the honor code and contributing to the degradation of our campus culture" if they carry out their plan for the "Catch an Illegal Immigrant" event.