Honore Daumier

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Noun1.Honore Daumier - French painter best known for his satirical lithographs of bourgeois society (1808-1879)Honore Daumier - French painter best known for his satirical lithographs of bourgeois society (1808-1879)
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The 10 most faked painters are Giorgio de Chirico, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Salvador Dali, Honore Daumier, Vincent van Gogh, Kazimir Malevich, Amedeo Modigliani, Frederic Remington, Auguste Rodin, Maurice Utrillo TEMPTING TV
Compare this with Peter Doig's 2004 painting Metropolitain (House of Pictures), in which a man in a top hat--himself a quotation from Honore Daumier's nineteenth-century painting The Print Collector--peruses a wall of pictures.
No less than National Artist Nick Joaquin once christened Malang the 'Magus of the Masa,' comparing him to Honore Daumier, the 19th-century French cartoonist, celebrating his gift for 'extolling the quotidian and satirizing the current, not to mention the talent to be lively and comic even when dealing with bane and folly.
The declining nobility and the rising bourgeoisie were not immune to artistic criticism: Honore Daumier's 1833 bronze bust of Jean-Marie Fruchard and his 1834 lithograph of a police massacre in Paris were considered scandalous caricatures and exposes of the monarchy of King Louis-Philippe.
Though the wall text traced Lautrec's inspiration for them to eighteenth-century Japanese examples (a point expanded upon in the exhibition catalogue), there is a striking similarity between the loose outlines and soft, spotty textures of Lautrec's prints and the images of women produced earlier by both Edgar Degas and Honore Daumier. One detects a modicum of sympathy in Lautrec's depictions of these women who, unlike him, could not count on a comfortable family fortune for support.
PUELLES Romero, Luis: Honore Daumier. La risa republicana.
Exhibition: Honore Daumier, French satirist's work titled Daumier: Visions of Paris (Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Piccadilly, 020 7300 8000) comprises political cartoons, paintings, sculptures and prints which earned him the epithet of 'one of the most important men of modern art.' Runs till January end.
To subsequent audiences, however, it is precisely his innovative technique and zest for giving life and breath to his subjects--no wigs or powder here--that made him such an important figure to later artists such as Honore Daumier. In many respects these paintings remain an enigma, but one that would give any fortunate purchaser much to reflect.
She examines criticism of the bas-bleu in the illustrations of Jules Janin, Frederic Soulie, and Honore Daumier. For her, these images represent commonly held perceptions of women writers as a threat to social order because of their perceived transgression or rejection of socially accepted gender roles, especially those of wife and mother.
Cada dibujo se relaciona con un conjunto de microcuentos que permiten al lectorobservador sospechar "que la obra visual y la obra verbal se desarrollan en una relacion concomitante [...] De ahi que sus dibujos se encuentren en la cercanias de Hiroshige Motonaga, de Mickey Mouse, George Grosz, Alfred Kubin, Honore Daumier [como] muestra general de los multiples recursos explotados en la construccion de la escritura visual" (xxviii, xxix).