honor roll

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honor roll

A list of names of people worthy of honor, especially:
a. A list of students who have earned high grades during a specified period.
b. A list of people who have served in the armed forces.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

hon′or roll`

1. a list of students who have earned grades above a specific average during a semester or school year.
2. a list of names place, of citizens who have served or died in the armed forces.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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He made the dean's list for four semesters, and was a three-time ACC Academic Honor Roll recipient.
The fifth annual AP District Honor Roll honors districts for increasing access to AP course work while simultaneously maintaining or increasing the percentage of students earning scores of 3 or higher on AP exams.
We work hard to balance the community banking spirit we have with the expectations of our shareholders, and inclusion on the KBW Honor Roll demonstrates that we've been pretty successful in serving clients and providing a strong return for our shareholders.'
The GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) evaluation program organized annually by China WTO Tribune, a magazine managed by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, with the goal of establishing CSR pioneering companies in China.
The 2009 "The Honor Roll of China Elite Business Women" has four lists: "The Honor Roll of China Elite Business Women" (Main list), "The Honor Roll of Foreign Elite Business Women in China" (vice list), "The Honor Roll of New China Elite Business Women" (vice list), "The Honor Roll of Business Investment of China Elite Business Women" (vice list).
Companies are selected for the Companies That Care Honor Roll through a nomination process, based on their performance against ten criteria related to employee relations and community involvement.
He is recognized by Who's Who Among American High School Students and is on the National Honor Roll. He wants to become a lawyer.
Complicating the issue was the fact that one school principal in the district never posts honor rolls. Principal Steven Baum of Julia Green Elementary in Nashville recognizes students in more private ways, such as with personal notes, school officials say.
Click on Membership, then Membership Perks, then VFW Lifelong Memories and select Click to view samples (for general Lifelong Memories example) or Click to search for honor roll or Lifelong Memories listing (for Honor Roll example).
Awards, honors: National AP Scholar Award, High Honor roll, State of Illinois Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish, National Honor Society, Illinois State Scholar, student government
Nominations are judged by prof essionals representing all aspects of risk management and the commercial insurance industry, including the most recent winner of the Risk Manager of the Year award and persons named to the Risk Management Honor Roll, the current president of RIMS, and senior executives from the insurance sector.