British Lions

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British Lions

International touring team made up of the best players from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
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AN American Statesman who had twisted the tail of the British Lion until his arms ached was at last rewarded by a sharp, rasping sound.
"Agony I know not!" said the British Lion, yawning; "the swivel in my tail needs a few drops of oil, that is all."
The little governess patronised him and persiffled him until this young British Lion felt quite uneasy; nor could he muster sufficient presence of mind to find a pretext for backing out of this most delectable conversation.
Birtley's Calum French and Cyrus Pattinson are flying to Kazakhstan for the British Lions WSB semi-final second leg on Thursday.
WHAT exactly is the point of the British Lions? This summer Wales, England and Ireland are all having major tours to the Southern Hemisphere playing three tests each.
But it's understood Long, who also worked with Gatland on the successful 2013 British Lions tour to Australia, is taking up a senior role with the Football Association, where he will oversee the entire analysis structure.
THE recent Legacy of Leadership conference in Newcastle had an inspirational presentation by Sir Ian McGeechan (former British Lions coach) that seemed like a watershed moment in the way it set out a very clear challenge for our businesses and political leaders.
After the break-up she put her wedding dress and PS10,000 engagement ring on eBay along with the Wigan Warriors star's wedding suit listed at PS16 and initialled British Lions top at PS5.
WALES and British Lions captain Sam Warburton has added an Honorary Fellowship to his list of accolades.
Guest speakers for the event were John Bentley, who played at the highest level in both codes of rugby having represented Great Britain in rugby league and England and the British Lions in rugby union, David Duckham MBE, former England and British Lions legend, and comedian John Stiles.
O'Connor's time on the pitch was as turbulent as it was off it this year as his experiment at fly-half for the British Lions series backfired spectacularly.
BRITISH Lions head coach Warren Gatland admitted that the strength of opponents in the build-up to the first Test against Australia was a cause for concern after crushing Western Force 69-17.

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