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A country of north-central Europe. Occupied since c. 500 bc by Germanic tribes, the region became part of the Frankish empire by the sixth century ad. Later it became a loose federation of principalities and the nucleus of the Holy Roman Empire until the imperial state was broken up by Napoleon in 1806. Germany became a confederation after 1815 and then an empire centered around Prussia (1871-1918). Following its defeat in World War I, it was reorganized as the Weimar Republic, which collapsed when Adolf Hitler rose to power and formed the Third Reich. Germany's defeat in 1945 at the end of World War II resulted in its division into four occupation zones, each controlled by an Allied power. Out of the US, French, and British zones West Germany was established in 1949, while the Soviet zone became East Germany. The two Germanies were reunified in 1990 after the fall of the East German Communist government. Berlin is the capital and largest city.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) a country in central Europe: in the Middle Ages the centre of the Holy Roman Empire; dissolved into numerous principalities; united under the leadership of Prussia in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War; became a republic with reduced size in 1919 after being defeated in World War I; under the dictatorship of Hitler from 1933 to 1945; defeated in World War II and divided by the Allied Powers into four zones, which became established as East and West Germany in the late 1940s; reunified in 1990: a member of the European Union. It is flat and low-lying in the north with plateaus and uplands (including the Black Forest and the Bavarian Alps) in the centre and south. Official language: German. Religion: Christianity, Protestant majority. Currency: euro. Capital: Berlin. Pop: 81 147 265 (2013 est). Area: 357 041 sq km (137 825 sq miles). German name: Deutschland Official name: Federal Republic of Germany See also East Germany, West Germany
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdʒɜr mə ni)

a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 83,087,361; 137,852 sq. mi. (357,039 sq. km). Cap.: Berlin. Official name, Federal Republic of Germany. German Deutschland.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


the study of the relationship between geography and politics, applied especially to the study of the doctrines and actions of Nazi Germany in the context of world domination.
a feature of the German language that is present in another language.
an obsession with Germany and things German. Also called Teutonomania.
a person who is especially attracted to or interested in Germany, its people, culture, etc.
intense fear or hatred of Germany, its people, language, etc.
1. anything typical or characteristic of the Teutons or Germans, as customs, attitudes, actions, etc.
2. Germanism.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Germany - a republic in central EuropeGermany - a republic in central Europe; split into East Germany and West Germany after World War II and reunited in 1990
Oktoberfest - an autumn festival that involves merrymaking and drinking beer
Blenheim - the First Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy defeated the French in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession
Battle of Jena, Jena - the battle in 1806 in which Napoleon decisively defeated the Prussians
battle of Lutzen, Lutzen - a battle in the Thirty Years' War (1632); Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus defeated the Holy Roman Empire under Wallenstein; Gustavus Adolphus was killed
battle of Minden, Minden - a battle in the Seven Years' War (1759) in which the English forces and their allies defeated the French
battle of Rossbach, Rossbach - a battle in the Seven Years' War (1757); Prussian forces under Frederick the Great defeated the armies of France and Austria
battle of Teutoburger Wald, Teutoburger Wald - a battle in 9 AD in which the Germans under Arminius annihilated three Roman Legions
Buchenwald - a Nazi concentration camp for Jews in World War II that was located in central Germany
Dachau - a concentration camp for Jews created by the Nazis near Munich in southern Germany
panzer - an armored vehicle or tank
Siegfried line - German fortifications facing the Maginot Line
Hakenkreuz, swastika - the official emblem of the Nazi Party and the Third Reich; a cross with the arms bent at right angles in a clockwise direction
German language, High German, German - the standard German language; developed historically from West Germanic
Schadenfreude - delight in another person's misfortune
Weissbier, wheat beer, white beer - a general name for beers made from wheat by top fermentation; usually very pale and cloudy and effervescent
liebfraumilch - a sweetened Rhenish wine (especially one from Hesse in western Germany)
Norse mythology - the mythology of Scandinavia (shared in part by Britain and Germany) until the establishment of Christianity
Al Tawhid, al-Tawhid, Divine Unity - an Islamic terrorist cell that originated in Jordan but operates in Germany; goal is to attack Europe and Russia with chemical weapons
Baader Meinhof Gang, Baader-Meinhof Gang - a radical left-wing revolutionary terrorist group active in Germany from 1968 until 1977
Association of Islamic Groups and Communities, Caliphate State, Kaplan Group - a Turkish terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims with ties to al-Qaeda that operates in Germany; seeks the violent overthrow of the Turkish government and the establishment of an Islamic nation modeled on Iran
Red Army Faction, RAF - a Marxist and Maoist terrorist organization in Germany; a network of underground guerillas who committed acts of violence in the service of the class struggle; a successor to the Baader-Meinhof Gang; became one of Europe's most feared terrorist groups; disbanded in 1998
Common Market, EC, EEC, European Community, European Economic Community, European Union, EU, Europe - an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members; "he tried to take Britain into the Europen Union"
NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization - an international organization created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security
Pietism - 17th and 18th-century German movement in the Lutheran Church stressing personal piety and devotion
Lower Saxony - a state in northwestern Germany
Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle, Aken - a city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders; formerly it was Charlemagne's northern capital
Berlin, German capital - capital of Germany located in eastern Germany
Bremen - a city of northwestern Germany linked by the Weser River to the port of Bremerhaven and the North Sea; in the Middle Ages it was a leading member of the Hanseatic League
Bremerhaven - a port city in northwestern Germany at the mouth of the Weser River on the North Sea; has a deep natural harbor and is an important shipping center
Chemnitz, Karl-Marx-Stadt - a city in east central Germany; formerly called Karl-Marx-Stadt until 1990; noted for textile manufacturing
Dortmund - an industrial city in northwestern Germany; flourished from the 13th to 17th century as a member of the Hanseatic League
Dresden - a city in southeastern Germany on the Elbe River; it was almost totally destroyed by British air raids in 1945
Leipzig - a city in southeastern Germany famous for fairs; formerly a music and publishing center
Solingen - a city in west central Germany noted for cutlery
Weimar - a German city near Leipzig; scene of the adoption in 1919 of the constitution of the Weimar Republic that lasted until 1933
Bavaria - a state in southern Germany famous for its beer; site of an automobile factory
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Related words
adjective Teutonic
see administrative regions
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
nước Đức


[ˈdʒɜːmənɪ] NAlemania f
East GermanyAlemania f Oriental
West GermanyAlemania f Occidental
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈdʒɜːrməni] nAllemagne f
in Germany → en Allemagne
to Germany → en Allemagne
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nDeutschland nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈdʒɜːmnɪ] nGermania
East/West Germany → Germania dell'Est/dell'Ovest
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


أَلْـمَانيا Německo Tyskland Deutschland Γερμανία Alemania Saksa Allemagne Njemačka Germania ドイツ 독일 Duitsland Tyskland Niemcy Alemanha Германия Tyskland ประเทศเยอรมนี Almanya nước Đức 德国
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
Gee Canlas and Archie Alemania welcomed a healthy baby boy on Thursday.
Rey Alemania, a member of the Philippine Military Academy "Tanglaw-Diwa" Class of 1992.
El actual obispo de Passau (Baviera, Alemania) desde 2013 ha sido antes periodista y profesor de teologia moral.