

(ˈɑlefˈbet) or


(Judaism) the Hebrew alphabet
[from the first two letters]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The first is that, being constructed as an alphabetical acrostic (with the exception of the letter nun), (1) it enlists the whole of the aleph-bet to extol the deeds of the Almighty.
The daily recital of Psalms, originally by heart, was facilitated by the use of acrostics such as the aleph-bet structure of Psalm 145, making it very popular.
the first letter of the aleph-bet, the last letter and the letter in the middle.
A statement revealed that the company's name was inspired by "the entrepreneurial spirit of the ancient Phoenicians, widely credited with revolutionising the way the world communicates through the development of the 'Aleph-bet', or alphabet".
I asked my father how he could have mistaken the delicate curves of the Hebrew aleph-bet for the harsh certainty of cold German-issued numbers.
An Aleph-Bet song is the highlight of this program designed to show viewers that learning a new language can be fun!
There are books available on "Torah Yoga", "Aleph-Bet Yoga", and "Kabalah Yoga".
As soon as I heard this aspect of Friedmann, I tied the real request to find his relatives to a reward pertaining to the aleph-bet music.
Memorial contributions may be made to Aleph-Bet Preschool, c/o Beth Israel Synagogue, 40 King Street, Norwalk, CT 06851.
As Scooby's mom, the not Semitic-looking Julie Hagerty is amusingly Jewed-out with a honking Star of David necklace and a metallic Aleph-Bet glittering on her blouse; (the also not Jewish-looking) John Goodman is the underachiever's exasperated dad; a jock brother, Scooby's shiny, happy foil.
The image above is the joyous Aleph-Bet, the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet, that is beginning to name the world.
cross the pond's surface like aleph-bets. The Civil War has not