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 (ăl′əm-bâr′, ä-läN-bĕr′), Jean Le Rond d' 1717-1783.
French mathematician and philosopher who wrote the influential Treatise of Dynamics (1743). He also contributed to Diderot's Encyclopédie.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(French alɑ̃bɛr)
(Biography) See d'Alembert
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Esta preocupacao com a incorporacao da tecnica a cultura advem do seculo XVIII, e e explicitada com a publicacao da Encyclopedie (dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des metiers), escrita sob a direcao de Denis Diderot (1713-1784) e Jean Le Rond D' Alembert (1717-1783) publicada na Franca em 17 volumes de texto e 11 de pranchas (desenhos tecnicos) entre 1750 e 1772.
he co-published with Alembert in the first modern encyclopedia
It also provides an informative introduction about the mid-18th century masterwork Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des metiers (Encyclopedia, or a Systematic Dictionary of the Sciences, Arts and Crafts), as edited by Denis Diderot and Jean Le Rond d Alembert. "Molly Hashimoto: Birds and Other Wildlife Coloring Book" (9780764982187, $7.95, PB, 48pp) features images to color in the form of twenty-two unpainted block prints celebrates nature in Molly's original artwork, creating beautiful images of the landscapes and wildlife she encounters in the national parks and wilderness areas of the West.
where D o [bar.D] or [bar.D] o D is defined by the D' Alembert operator [??].
By using Alembert's rule, we show that [[summation].sup.+[infinity].sub.k=0] (R[[4M(T - [t.sub.0])].sup.k]/k!) converge.
1-27), Neurath apresenta a enciclopedia como uma continuidade do trabalho da enciclopedia francesa do seculo XVIII, mencionando o texto de abertura daquela obra, o Discours preliminaire de d'Alembert (NEURATH et al., [1938] 1955; D'ALEMBERT, [1751] 1986) (1).