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n.1.(Mil.) The imperial standard of the Turkish Empire.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Kosgei timed 2:18:20 to win women's race, followed by Vivian Cheruiyot (2:20:14), Ethiopia's Roza Dereje (2:20:51), Gladys Cherono (2:20:52) and Mary Keitany (2:20:58)."The Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Kenya would like to congratulate Kenyan athletes and the people of Kenya over their victory in London Marathon," Alem said in a statement.
Santos gave emphasis on the case of alias Alem as proof that students continue to be deceived by the NPA.
Alem, an immigrant from Eritrea, was a choir singer in a church.
The local Eritrean church is hoping to send Alem's body back to her family.
Alem's tragic death prompted calls last night from Labour MP Paul Sweeney, who represents the area, for a major overhaul of support services for immigrants - many of whom are housed in the city's tower blocks.
Nesse contexto, a universidade e responsavel pela formacao dos profissionais e a transmissao do conhecimento, na qual o graduando precisa ampliar seus conhecimentos alem da sala de aula (Sousa, Barros, & Agostinho Filho, 2017).
Alem do trabalho de geracao de renda, as mulheres do campo tem carga horaria com dupla e tripla jornada de trabalho, em que a hierarquia dos papeis desempenhados por homens e por mulheres coloca-as numa condicao de exploracao do trabalho, o que acaba sendo naturalizado por elas.
This Ramadan, Chef Manal El Alem, will offer a mix of traditional Arabic sweets and desserts.
In a statement to the Chinese news agency Xinhua, Alem further said the letter "affirmed South Sudan's government commitment to the ongoing peace talks".
QNA Khartoum EXECUTIVE Director of Al-Neelain University Chair for Combating Corruption Dr Mohammed al Alem, who is also the Dean of Law School at Al-Neelain University, said that Qatar's support has helped the chair realise many regional and international achievements in decisive issues related to Sudan.