trust hotel

trust hotel


trust tavern

(Commerce) NZ a licensed hotel or a bar owned by a publicly elected committee as trustees, the profits of which go to public amenities
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Nestled in the Vale of Aylesbury, this National Trust hotel is surrounded by 90 acres of parkland.
The joint venture was formed to acquire most of the former Innkeepers USA Trust hotel portfolio out of bankruptcy in October 2011, Chatham said.
And one in eight families don't trust hotel child-care facilities.
Trust hotel services manager Nigel Firth said: "The toasters have been causing us grief.
They are just one of hundreds of couples who flock to the British Trust Hotel in the village of Gretna Green, less than a mile from the English Border, to celebrate their big day each summer.
Trust hotel services manager Nigel Firth said: "The toasters in the hospital and residential areas have been causing us grief.
Today we are giving you the chance to book a two-night break at a British Trust Hotel in March, April or May from only pounds 39 per person.
Pierre's deserve justice because guests trust hotels to provide a safe environment.
Several years ago, North British Trust Hotels, then owners of the Loirston Hotel - now the Deeside Inn - bought the toilet and wash-hand basin.
Customers naturally trust hotels with good reviews over hotels with bad reviews.
The joint venture has acquired 64 Innkeepers USA Trust hotels in a winning bid at an auction for a total purchase price of around USD1.125bn.
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