trust fund baby

trust fund baby

n. Slang
A person who receives income from a trust fund.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Other fan favorites include 'Big Plans,' 'I Don't Belong in this Club,' 'Hooked' and 'Trust Fund Baby.' -ALLAN POLICARPIO
SIMON & SCHUSTER Not just any trust fund baby could sell a book chronicling his adventures with the likes of Shakira and Eva Longoria.
(I love ya, M., but couldn't you think up a better name, like, say, Poems of Hashish, or Confessions of a Downtown Opium Eater, or I Was a Ritalin Baby, or The Trust Fund Baby with the Golden Arm, or how 'bout plain old Junkie?) Everything in Doughty's life, from rise to fall, is in here--childhood, school, town drunks.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live the life of a 'trust fund baby'?
It launched an election film portraying the "nightmare" of a Conserva1tive victory, in which families in a typical surburban street are visited by a grey-suited government official who tells them that Conservatives have stopped Child Tax Credit payments to families "on middle and modest incomes" (actually pounds 50,000) and have stopped Child Trust Fund baby bond payments for families with incomes over pounds 16,000.
Trust Fund Baby, silky knits and cashmere, has opened at 239 Elizabeth Street.
Ted Baker make-up bag, pounds 14; BeneFit Bad Gal Lash Mascara in Black, pounds 14.50; BeneFit Eyeshadow in Trust Fund Baby, pounds 11.50; Bourjois Noir & Blanc Eyeliner Pencil, pounds 4.25
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