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someone who deals with or is interested in trivialities
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"The 'Trivialist Cinema' of Roy Andersson: An Interview." FQ 69.1 (2015): 36-44.
He calls his version of the view Trivialist Platonism (TP), because it says that arithmetic is not just true (and not just necessary-given-the-existence-of-its-objects), but downright tautological.
Tonally, it reads more like "a day in the life" of a trivialist. And more substantively, I should stress that Rayo does provide interesting arguments for plenty of stuff in TP's vicinity.
(See section 3.2.) Rayo does delineate a trivialist version of neo-Fregeanism.
After all, it's just a systematic specification of the truth-conditions trivialists want to assign arithmetical sentences.
(26) Richard Rorty (Spivak's 'trivialist') speaks of what feminists term 'masculinism': 'so thoroughly built into everything we do or say in contemporary society that it looks as if only some really massive intellectual change could budge it.
The apologists believe that games have the potential to become great, just the right people aren't making them, while trivialists believe that computer games cannot be taken seriously by literary studies (Aarseth, 1997).
The enthusiastic crowd of several hundred cheered their favorite trivialists on through six preliminary rounds and a longer, more arduous final round.
Many of the trivialists wore costumes, sporting attitude and aptitude in equal measure.
"A Hawaiian quilt or a Scottish ballad may embody the same human value as the Mona Lisa," she once wrote in criticizing feminist trivialists. "But aesthetic value has its own claims, which concern for human equality and personal experience do not exhaust." In her downtime, she could also serve an exquisite souffle, differentiate between an H.
Tuner trivialists will recognize the title as part of the "3hree" triptych that created much buzz in Philly and L.A.
Trivialists also will recall his brief marriage to Liza Minnelli and his 1988 musical "Legs Diamond," one of Broadway's biggest flops.