Trobriand Islander

Trobriand Islander

(Peoples) a native or inhabitant of the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea
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As the cultural lag, or decalage, between you and your friend piles up, you wonder if your experience of the film's humor would be any different with a Trobriand Islander.
Among their topics are the Coral Gardens are losing their magic: the social and cultural impact of climate change and overpopulation for the Trobriand Islanders, visions of a village in Papua New Guinea, the early field and commercial recordings of Kuman music: research using repatriated music in Papua New Guinea and recent threats to cultural diversity, challenges and profits of interdisciplinary fieldwork in linguistic and cognitive anthropology, and anthropology meets psychology.
Erotic and Other Narrative Songs of the Trobriand Islanders and their Spirits of the Dead.
I shall speak of the formulation of experienced reality among the Trobriand Islanders in comparison to our own; I shall speak of the nature of expectancy, of motivation, of satisfaction, as based upon a reality which is differently apprehended and experienced in two different societies; which is, in fact, for each, a different reality.
A grounding in industrial sociology--from the study of the collective behavior of Trobriand Islanders to the beginning of the social media aspects of Internet usage--led me to explore many aspects of diverse wants and needs, viewed in past, present, and future time frames.
Described as "one of the classics of modern anthropology," the argument builds upon his ethnographic analysis of the Trobriand Islanders of Melanesia in order to construct a general anthropological theorization of law and custom in "primitive" tribes.
For instance, among the Trobriand Islanders of the South Pacific, a man is forbidden to have sex with the daughter of his mother's sister, and yet.
Malinowski outlines the Trobriand Islanders' belief that the spirits of the dead depart for a nether world on a nearby island where they lead a shadowy existence alongside other spirits, and may sometimes re-appear to members of the living world.
If in one sense we are kept at a distance from the matter of the correspondence, in another that's all we see: The title suggests a revision of Marcel Mauss's famous anthropological study of the same name, in which Trobriand islanders try to outdo each previous gift.
Like the Trobriand islanders immortalized by Bronislow Malinowski, Damascenes imagined a world which was constantly subject to the manipulation of words, whose power could make itself felt everywhere.
The students I taught in my composition classes might as well have been Trobriand Islanders, so inaccessible to me were their culture, their recreations, their animating ideas.
The interactive CD-ROMs allow grades seven and up to become anthropologists by introducing them to eight societies in far corners of the world -- from Basques, highland herders from the French/Spanish border, to Trobriand Islanders, yam farmers from the Western Pacific.