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 (trō′ăs′) also Tro·ad (-ăd′)
An ancient region of northwest Asia Minor surrounding the city of Troy. It formed the setting for the events recounted in the Iliad.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) the region of NW Asia Minor surrounding the ancient city of Troy. Also called: the Troad
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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5, 1951 in Clarkston, Michigan, the daughter of the late Troas and Hazel (Parker) Barger.
Seneca's translations were published individually since 1551; the first tragedy to be published was Troas (authored by Jasper Heywood), while Thyestes and Agamemnon followed in 1561 and 1566, respectively, in Jasper Heywood's and John Studley's translations; Seneca's works were then edited and collected by Thomas Newton in Seneca: His Tenne Tragedies Translated into Englysh (London: Thomas Marsh, 1581).
The columns are made from granite from quarries in Troas in Turkey and reflect commercial activities involving building materials during the Roman period.
Many of his journeys in the first century were to Anatolian cities including Ephesus, Konya, Troas, Miletus and Colossae.
Terence Spencer observes that "a considerable number of Shakespeare's contemporaries had visited Troy (at least, they visited what were supposed to be the ruins of Homer's Troy; they were really standing on St Paul's Alexandra Troas ...)" because "nearly every boat that went to Constantinople had to wait off Tenedos, days or even weeks, for a favourable wind in order to navigate the Dardanelles and the Propontis." (14) So it was common knowledge that early modern Turkey contained the geographical location of ancient Troy, even if the idea of a continuity between the two was culturally unpalatable.
Em Ilium (Troas), sobre os tetradracmas emitidos a partir de 188 a.C.40 observamos um cruzamento de monogramas, nomes por extenso e simbolos que remetem ao arranjo de nomes encontrados no Novo Estilo ateniense e tambem uma tentativa de se hierarquizar os nomes inscritos sobre as moedas.
(3) The translators of Newton's volume were Jasper Heywood (Troas, (4) Thyestes and Hercules Furens), Alexander Nevyle (Oedipus), Thomas Nuce (Octavia), John Studley (Agamemnon, Medea, Hercules Oetaeus and Hippolytus) and Thomas Newton (Thebais).
Luke first joined Paul's company then, at Troas at about the year 51, and accompanied him into Macedonia and eventually to Philippi.
She is preferred to the unexposed Troas, who is possibly open to a bit more improvement.
Parion is among the important cities of Ancient Troas and was first excavated in 2005.