trifoliolate leaf

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Noun1.trifoliolate leaf - having three leafletstrifoliolate leaf - having three leaflets    
compound leaf - a leaf composed of a number of leaflets on a common stalk
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(1991) or from an unexpanded trifoliolate leaf with a modified CTAB procedure of Keim et al.
The Xcp isolate SITA659 was inoculated in the first trifoliolate leaf using the multiple-needle technique (Singh and Munoz, 1999).
In a greenhouse test, TW 98-1 has shown twinspot frequencies averaging 1.18 per unifoliolate leaf, 4.7 per first trifoliolate leaf, 1.27 per second trifoliolate leaf, and 0.30 for the third trifoliolate leaf.
Three weeks after inoculation, trifoliolate leaf samples were tested for the presence of BPMV, SMV, TRSV, and TSV by double antibody sandwich ELISA (Clark and Adams, 1977) using Agdia antibodies and protocol (Agdia, Inc., Elkhart, IN).
Additional seeds of each isoline were planted in vermiculite 1 wk after the rootstock had the first expanded trifoliolate leaf. This second planting was used as a source of scions.
One most recently matured trifoliolate leaf was excised from each tall resistant and stunted susceptible plant in each plot and in each replicate at approximately one-tenth bloom.
vulgaris events PHV119 and PHV122 were self-fertilized, and the resulting seeds were germinated in 5-[dm.sup.3] plastic pots containing fertilized soil and tested for GA tolerance by spraying the plants at the first trifoliolate leaf stage with GA at an application rate equivalent to 500 g GA [ha.sup.-1].
Leaf disk samples, consisting of a 1.6-cm leaf disk obtained from each of the three blades of the most recently expanded trifoliolate leaf, were harvested for immediate ureide extraction at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 d after the initiation of the ureide treatment.
Hume and Jackson (1981) evaluated 30 soybean genotypes of different sources and maturity groups at -2, -2.5, and -3 [degrees] C at the cotyledon, unifoliolate, and first trifoliolate leaf stages.
Hume and Jackson (1981) evaluated 30 genotypes of soybean from different sources and maturity groups at -2, -2.5, and -3 [degrees] C at the cotyledon, unifoliolate, and first trifoliolate leaf stages in New Zealand.
At 1300 h on the day water-deficit treatments reached 0.17 FTW, the uppermost fully expanded trifoliolate leaf of each plant was exposed to [sup.14][CO.sub.2] for 15 min followed by a 24 h translocation period prior to harvest.