Trifolium dubium

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Noun1.Trifolium dubium - clover native to Ireland with yellowish flowersTrifolium dubium - clover native to Ireland with yellowish flowers; often considered the true or original shamrock
clover, trefoil - a plant of the genus Trifolium
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References in periodicals archive ?
Cluster 1 includes the southern Oroiberian intensively grazed grasslands of Phleo nodosi-Cynosuretum cristati (RODRIGUEZ-ROJO & al., in press.) characterized by Lolium perenne, Trifolium dubium, Bromus hordeaceus, Phleum nodosum, Trisetum flavescens, Trifolium striatum, T.
Honna rhai mai suran y coed oedd y Seamroge a ddefnyddiodd Sant Padrig i ddangos y cysyniad o'r Drindod Sanctaidd i baganiaid yr Ynys Werdd, ond mae'n fwy tebygol mai'r meillion hopysaidd bach (Trifolium dubium) a ddefnyddiodd.
Plants were a clover, Trifolium dubium, a grass, Poa annua, and a composite, Senecio vulgaris.