tax return

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tax return

See return.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

tax return

(Accounting & Book-keeping) a declaration of personal income made annually to the tax authorities and used as a basis for assessing an individual's liability for taxation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. to go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state: to return from abroad.
2. to revert to a former owner.
3. to revert or recur, as in thought or discourse.
4. to make a reply or retort.
5. to put, bring, take, give, or send back to the original or proper place, position, etc.: to return a book to a shelf.
6. to send or give back in reciprocation, recompense, or requital: to return evil for good.
7. to reciprocate, repay, or react to (something sent, done, etc.) with something similar: to return a favor.
8. to render (a verdict, decision, etc.).
9. to give (a statement or a writ of actions done) to a judge or official.
10. to reflect (light, sound, etc.).
11. to yield (a profit, revenue, etc.).
12. to report or announce officially.
13. to elect or reelect, as to a legislative body.
14. to send or hit back, as a served ball in tennis.
15. Cards. to respond to (a suit led) by a similar lead.
16. Chiefly Archit. to cause to turn or proceed in a different direction: to return a molding.
17. the act or fact of returning, as by going or coming back or bringing, sending, or giving back.
18. a recurrence.
19. reciprocation, repayment, or requital: profits in return for outlay.
20. response or reply.
21. the gain realized on an exchange of goods.
22. Often, returns. a yield or profit, as from labor or investment.
23. Also called tax return . a statement on an official form showing income, deductions, exemptions, and taxes due.
24. Usu., returns. an official or unofficial report on a count of votes, candidates elected, etc.: election returns.
25. Archit.
a. the continuation of a molding, projection, etc., in a different direction.
b. a side or part that falls away from the front of any straight or flat member or area.
26. Sports.
a. the act of returning a ball.
b. the ball that is returned.
c. (in football) a runback.
27. Law.
a. the sending back of a writ, summons, etc., with a brief report endorsed on it, by a sheriff to the court that issued it.
b. a certified document by an assessor, election official, etc.
c. the report contained in such a document.
28. Cards. a lead that responds to a partner's lead.
29. returns,
a. merchandise shipped back to a supplier from a retailer or distributor as unsold.
b. merchandise returned to a retailer by a consumer.
30. of or pertaining to a return or returning.
31. sent, given, or done in return.
32. done or occurring again: a return engagement of the opera.
33. noting a person or thing that is returned or returning to a place: return cargo.
34. changing in direction; doubling or returning on itself: a return twist in a road.
35. used for returning, recirculating, etc.: the return road.
36. played in order to provide the loser of an earlier game with the opportunity to win from the same opponent.
37. adequate, necessary, or provided to enable the return of mail to its sender: a return envelope.
[1275–1325; (v.) retornen < Middle French retorner, Old French; (n.) < Anglo-French retorn, derivative of Old French retorner]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: return - document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer's tax liabilitytax return - document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer's tax liability; "his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return"
legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument - (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right
amended return - a tax return that corrects the information in an earlier return
declaration of estimated tax, estimated tax return - return required of a taxpayer whose tax withheld from income does not meet the tax liability for the year
false return - an incorrect income tax return
information return - a return that provides information to the tax collector but does not compute the tax liability
joint return - a return filed by a husband and wife
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
daňové přiznání
déclaration d’impôts
povrat poreza
소득 신고
bản khai thuế

tax return

ndichiarazione f dei redditi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

tax return

إقْرارٌ ضَرِيبيّ daňové přiznání selvangivelse Steuererklärung επιστροφή φόρου declaración de la renta, declaración de renta veroilmoitus déclaration d’impôts povrat poreza dichiarazione dei redditi 所得申告 소득 신고 belastingaangifte selvangivelse deklaracja podatkowa declaração de rendimentos налоговая декларация skattedeklaration ภาษีคืน vergi iadesi bản khai thuế 纳税申报表
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
The Seventh Circuit agreed with the government, holding that (1) the preparation of a tax return is traditional "accounting work" and not the providing of legal advice; (2) communications between a lawyer and a taxpayer relating to the preparation of an as-yet unfiled tax return are not privileged because the lawyer is then functioning as an accountant and not as a lawyer (on the ground that tax return preparation is not "lawyer's work"); (3) communications between the lawyer and the client that touched on matters relating to both the tax return preparation and the ongoing investigation had a "dual purpose," only one of which was privileged; and (4) the non-privileged purpose of the communication contaminated the otherwise privileged nature of the same communication.
Temporary regulations issued under IRC section 6081 (TD 9229, 1i/4/05) simplify how individuals, partnerships and others can obtain an automatic six-month extension of time to file a number of income tax returns with a single request.
In June 2009, the IRS initiated a review of tax return preparers with the intent to both increase taxpayer compliance and propose a comprehensive set of recommendations to ensure uniform and high ethical standards of conduct for all tax return preparers.
"While the government is considering to simplify the tax return document, there is a genuine need to facilitate the process of completing it as well."
KARACHI -- Pakistan Tax Bar Association (PTBA) has urged the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to extend the date for filing income tax returns and wealth statements for tax year 2018.
Charged with failing to file tax returns were Ellick BPO Solutions Inc., DCB Trading Inc., Crown Peak Estate Developers Inc.
A list of people who need to complete a tax return is available on the Gov.UK website.
When confronting this issue, it is important to understand how a tax return position is defined.
On the debate stage with Hillary Clinton in September 2016, Trump promised to release his tax return if Clinton released missing emails.&nbsp;
The FTB announced it received 645,000 personal income tax e-file tax returns, a new single-day record, on April 15.
Until a few years ago, there was a fixed PS100 penalty if you failed to submit your tax return on time, but this was waived if you had already paid any tax that was owed, or you were due a refund of tax.
7216 prohibits a tax return preparer from "knowingly or recklessly" disclosing or using tax return information.