tax exile

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tax exile

a person having a high income who chooses to live abroad so as to avoid paying high taxes
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But if you also knew of the impact of austerity in the country in which you made your billions, wouldn't it be a terrible waste to (a) sue the NHS need become a tax exile so you don't have to help fund it?
SIR, - In September 2018 Scotland's auditor general said Nicola Sturgeon's government needs to be more "transparent" about its loans to private firms following a row about a Glasgowbased shipbuilder whose owner (tax exile Jim McColl) and SNP adviser was loaned PS45M.
Sir Richard, 68, is a tax exile worth almost PS4billion.
SIR Tom Jones is considering returning to the Green Green Grass Of Home after five decades as a tax exile.
Writing in the Sunday Mirror, Mr McDonnell said Sir Richard was a "tax exile who thinks he can try and intervene and undermine our democracy".
EVENTS 1957: Noel Coward, above, returns from Jamaica for a short visit to Britain and rebuffs suggestions he has become a tax exile.
The ten days before they left England in tax exile are chronicled along with Greenfield's analysis of the tensions between band members and the American tour that would make them famous.
Belgium: Belgium's foreign minister said Monday that France was solely to blame after its top actor Gerard Depardieu threatened to give up his passport following a move to seek tax exile in the neighbouring country.
London, Jun 30 (ANI): World heavyweight champion David Haye will never quit Britain to save taxes on his earnings and follow the likes of Formula One ace Lewis Hamilton, who moved to a tax exile haven in Switzerland.
A Seychelles-based business man has been denied tax exile status despite spending trivial amounts of time in the UK because he was deemed not "to have severed his social and family ties" within the country.