sexual pleasure

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.sexual pleasure - pleasure derived from sexual activities
pleasure, pleasance - a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience; "he was tingling with pleasure"
algophilia - sexual pleasure derived from inflicting or experiencing pain
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References in periodicals archive ?
The map has been compiled using data from sex toy retailer Lovehoney and reveals how many residents spent money on their "sexual pleasure".
The number one spot goes to Dagenham in Greater London, where people spend more money on sexual pleasure than anywhere else.
Whenever I attend a wedding or see a clip of it, I hear the pastor or elders tell the woman "Your husband's sexual pleasure is just as important as your husband's need for food"; "You have to make sure your husband gets enough sex at home, so he doesn't go looking for it elsewhere"; "Your garage must be open every day, for your husband to park"; or "Don't be boring in bed, make sounds, don't lie dead".
A jail dossier intended to stay secret until 2088 was then published and revealed that Shipman may have got sexual pleasure from his crimes.
[USA], Sep 21 (ANI): Turns out, women have more diverse preferences related to sexual pleasure than believed.
To rekindle your sex life and offer her memorable sexual pleasure, you can also massage the male organ using Mast Mood oil, which is one of the proven herbal erectile dysfunction remedies, daily two times.
He had history of insertion of a foamy strip into the urethra three months ago for sexual pleasure. Abnormal radio-opaque densities were observed in the pelvic cavity on plain x-ray.
A PERVERT who stroked two teenage bus passengers "for his own sexual pleasure" has dodged jail.
I'll admit to that-- lots of sexual pleasure through the years,
But as Daf Yomi readers have learned over the last several years, the ethics of sexual pleasure has always been an important question in Judaism.
The surprisingly low level of attention given to sexuality and sexual pleasure in the field of reproductive health is well documented.
"I admitted to them that I spot sex clients on the street to offer them sexual pleasure. I only admitted because I was scared."