sexual morality

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.sexual morality - morality with respect to sexual relationssexual morality - morality with respect to sexual relations
morality - concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct
pureness, purity, honor, honour - a woman's virtue or chastity
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While India's law only legalises sexual acts between adults, gay activists have hailed the verdict as a major boost in the deeply conservative country where religious groups have fiercely opposed any liberalisation of sexual morality.
They say current sociological data reveal a real, modern, moral, theological pluralism in Catholic beliefs about sexual morality That is true, but if you miss the "why" you miss the point.
After the collapse of stuffy old western sexual morality, but before a far more draconian attempt to control the sex lives of young adults and women swept in from the East.
This is a study of the reception in Uganda of an American AIDS policy, and of how a policy supposedly drawn from Uganda's early success returned there to shift the landscape of HIV activism and advocacy, engaging and reshaping long-standing arguments about sexual morality, marriage, and gender relations.
Recently, scholars have begun to challenge this commonly accepted history and instead argue for the existence of what Amanda Littauer calls a "long sexual revolution." Littauer's Bad Girls: Young Women, Sex, and Rebellion before the Sixties reveals the 1940s and 1950s as periods in which "sexual desire was a driving force" in women's lives, even though cultural conditions did not permit women to actively "resist conservative sexual morality in organized ways" (2).
In his article "Are we living in sin?" (August), Father Paul Keller fails to place his question into the larger context of Catholic teaching on sexual morality. Traditional act-centered Catholic morality sees all sexual intimacy outside of marriage as mortally sinful.
The article provides clear evidence that this pope, like others before him, will maintain an inviolable line with respect to women--especially in matters of sexual morality.
Front Shame to Sin: The Christian Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity.
Youth culture spawned its own Y fashions in clothes, vocabulary, sexual morality, music, literature, radio, TV, films and, unfortunately, drugs, both the legal and illegal varieties.
The difficulty stems from TWU's "community covenant" which requires all students to adhere to the college's view of Christian sexual morality. No one is forced to attend TWU and no specific religion is demanded.
The move by the country was taken to protect family values in a country where nuptial infidelity is a crime, and in order to 'protect sexual morality, marriage and family life'.
VATICAN CITY -- New surveys commissioned by the Vatican show that the vast majority of Catholics in Germany and Switzerland reject church teaching on contraception, sexual morality, gay unions and divorce, findings remarkable both in their similarity and in the fact that they were even publicized.

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