sexual immorality

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Noun1.sexual immorality - the evil ascribed to sexual acts that violate social conventions; "sexual immorality is the major reason for last year's record number of abortions"
evil, wickedness, immorality, iniquity - morally objectionable behavior
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Schools should reject material for classrooms and libraries which promotes, legitimizes, or glorifies gratuitous violence, cruelty, horror, and sexual immorality.
Besides the toleration of sexual immorality, widespread nationalism coupled with the acceptance of the occult in personal and public lives contributed to the rapid decline of German society.
While many people take the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as proof of God's ire and readiness to punish sexual immorality, there is something much deeper at stake.
The impact of these spirits is prevalent in business today as seen through "the love of money," in the entertainment industry through an exaggerated emphasis on graphic violence, sexual immorality, an ideology that impacts our families and homes and introduces false gods into church rites and religious teaching.
2014), that it is "conduct that is contrary to justice, honesty, or morality; esp., an act that demonstrates depravity." Webster's Third New International Dictionary defines it as "1: an act or behavior that gravely violates the moral sentiment or accepted moral standards of the community; esp.: sexual immorality ; 2: the morally culpable quality held to be present in some criminal offenses as distinguished from others ." The Board of Immigration Appeals offers this: "The term 'moral turpitude' generally refers to conduct that is 'inherently base, vile, or depraved, and contrary to the accepted rules of morality and the duties owed between persons or to society in general." Matter of Silva-Trevino, 26 I.
They went to Aaron and together they drove into a mud pit of idolatry and sexual immorality. Aaron made a false god and then hit the accelerator.
The Seven Noahide Commandments intended for all humankind are: Not to worship idols; not to curse God; to establish courts of justice; not to commit murder; not to commit adultery or sexual immorality; not to steal; not to eat flesh torn from a living animal (i.e.
I told myself that if I am sinning, so is everybody in the congregation because the bible verse they are using to judge me speaks out against sexual immorality, idolaters, adulterers, thieves, drunkards, and swindlers, and nearly everyone in the congregation fell under one of those sins, but mine was the greatest of them all, mine was not only sin in their eyes, it was abomination.
Jude says that the people of Sodom "who with the same sexual immorality pursued unnatural lusts ...are paying the penalty of eternal fire" (Jude 7).
figure By JOSEPH WANGUI Bishop Joseph Kagunda of the Anglican Church, Mt Kenya West Diocese, has opposed the hearing of a defamation case filed against him by three priests he attempted to suspend over allegations of engaging in sexual immorality.Bishop Kagunda argues that the suit is an attempt by the priests to gag him from discharging his canonical duties.
Ms Mosojane cited the culture of keeping sexual immorality a secret as a major challenge.

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