running dog

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running dog

A servile follower or lackey.

[Translation of Chinese (Mandarin) zǒu gǒu : zǒu, running + gǒu, dog.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Next, they were able to see the wheel-dog, and then the whole string of running dogs and snow-stretches on either side.
Since launching the Grant in early 2018, Nav has awarded nearly USD 50,000 to businesses across the country, including the most recent winner Running Dogs Brewery, an Oregon-based Brewery.
I started running dogs in field trials when I was in high school, and eventually went to work throwing birds for professional trainers."
The imperialist capitalist running dogs of the United States will be brought to their knees by the glorious technology of our scientists.
Even as the president avowed an independent foreign policy, PH police forces still act as running dogs of the US,' Reyes wrote on his social media accounts.
"Even as the president avowed an independent foreign policy, Philippine police forces still act as running dogs of the US"
FROM running dogs to topless Santas, competitors turned out in droves to take part in the world's biggest festive fun run.
Emma, 27, who runs Fallowlees Farm on her own, began running dogs at the age of 13, but began competing aged 21.
The last East German census took place in 1981, while the capitalist running dogs in the west held a head count in 1987.
Supported by Running Dogs, Hackney rapper Mikhill Pane and Little Nikki the young crowd were already bouncing when The Rizzle Kicks - one of UK hip hops most popular new acts - ran on stage.
[Ed note: Histology is the anatomical study of the microscopic structure of plant and animal tissues.] The moderate running dogs had the healthiest cartilage, followed by cage dogs, and in last place was the high-volume running dogs.