running commentary

Related to running commentary: reduce to

running commentary

a continuous spoken description of an event while it is happening
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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running commentary

n (Radio) → radiocronaca (TV) → telecronaca
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
heaps, heaps heaps!' All this was accompanied by a running commentary of signs and gestures which it was impossible not to comprehend.
The most striking of these was perhaps the relishing manner in which he remarked on the pensioner's infirmities and failings, as if he were a gracious Keeper making a running commentary on the decline of the harmless animal he exhibited.
Poyser was ready to supply a running commentary on them all.
But the Toon chief has stated that a "running commentary" onRafa Benitez'scontract wrangle and a Middle East group's bid to buy the club wasn't possible.
Not only did Sheryl Crow get to record a Rolling Stones song with the legend Keith Richards - she also got to hang out with him during the Presidential elections, for which he provided a running commentary on Donald Trump's campaign while recording in New York.
Their acerbic running commentary about what's going on around them is tart and funny, their outdoor sex scene in a field is hilarious, and their characters' slow realisation that the person they hate might actually be the one they love is also touching and gently honest.
According to Pakistan Standard time the running commentary of the matches will be broadcast live from Radio Pakistan stations daily at 4:30 pm (first match) and 9:00 pm (second match) .
According to Pakistan Standard Time, the running commentary of the matches will be broadcast live from Radio Pakistan stations daily at 4:30 pm and 9:00 pm.
LAHORE -- Radio Commentators Association of Pakistan president Mohammad Idrees has appealed to the Prime Minister Imran Khan to take a strict notice against Radio Pakistan for ignoring the traditional policy of running commentary over cricket matches both in English and Urdu.
One tactic for keeping unemployed, skint personalities in the public eye is to either have them form panels in which they try to outdo the others with poor jokes, manic smiles and that sideways glance to check if they are "on camera" or to have the same people give a running commentary on deceased stars when what we would prefer is to watch their shows.
Another is to have the same people giving a running commentary on deceased stars when what we would prefer is to watch their shows.
Dack claimed he should have been given the opportunity to give a "running commentary on the CCTV" to the jury.