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(Hunting) hunting (of deer) good for chasing
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the river has risen to commercially runnable levels and the electricity flows throughout the Klamath region.
Board member Doug Kirkbride mentioned that the track may not be runnable next year without liability issues if it is not fixed.
They include runnable codes in MATLAB that give typical compact first implementations of the methods.
A fast, runnable course led to some quick times and Grace was steady around the 10km course for 37th position which placed her in the top quarter of the field.
In order to make apps compatible with Instant Apps, developers need to partition their applications into small, runnable parts so it can be run with a tap of an URL.
(102) To the extent that bail-in-able debt is long-term and not runnable, sufficient financial liabilities will remain that are runnable.
It was a very runnable course and hopefully will become popular as the club's fastest local half marathon in future years.
It would require sufficient collateral to be pre-positioned so that the cash credit line was sufficient to cover all runnable liabilities.
(4) The SPOE approach is fundamentally based on subordination, that is, the subordination of large amounts of an institution's long-term debt, which is not "runnable," to all of its short-term debt, which is--and to achieve that subordination during a failure event in a speedy, practical manner that allows the operations of financial institutions to stay open for business.
The Newcastle AC veteran added: "I found it a very runnable course which had some steep climbs, and I like the steep climbs.