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v. re·ver·ber·at·ed, re·ver·ber·at·ing, re·ver·ber·ates
1. To resound in a succession of echoes; reecho: Thunder reverberated in the mountains. See Synonyms at echo.
2. To be filled with loud or echoing sound: The theater reverberated with the speaker's voice.
3. To have a prolonged or continuing effect: Those talks with his teacher reverberated throughout his life.
4. To be repeatedly reflected, as sound waves, heat, or light.
1. To reecho (a sound).
2. To reflect (heat or light) repeatedly.
3. To subject (a metal, for example) to treatment in a reverberatory furnace.

[Latin reverberāre, reverberāt-, to repel : re-, re- + verberāre, to beat (from verber, whip; see wer- in Indo-European roots).]

re·ver′ber·a·tive (-bə-rā′tĭv, -bər-ə-) adj.
re·ver′ber·a·tive·ly adv.
re·ver′ber·a·tor n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.reverberative - characterized by resonance; "a resonant voice"; "hear the rolling thunder"
reverberant - having a tendency to reverberate or be repeatedly reflected; "a reverberant room"; "the reverberant booms of cannon"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The acoustic goal for the foyers was to reduce the high level of noise generated by the combination of reverberative glass and wood surfaces and the excited babble of visitors' voices.
Jacobs-Jenkins's Everybody deals with "the summoning of every man to death," and investigating the piece in the wake of Houghton's passing has "felt reverberative and complex and meaningful."
In addition, Cardenio is both the protagonist of the longest and most important of the interpolated stories (six in total) and also a relevant character within the main plot, an antagonist furnishing a reverberative but potentially undermining counterbalance to the protagonists weight.
As a poet, RST saw it as a happy accident that the prayer book and King James Bible were products of a "high stage of [English] literary culture," and felt that the language carried what he termed a "reverberative power"--a grandeur and sonority -which could bear repetition week by week (Ormond 55).
As a research note by Standard and Poor's seemed to suggest this month, an ongoing commitment to infrastructure development is one thing, but for it to lever the type of economic growth whose benefits can be reverberative it needs to be complemented by labour skills building upon the sheer capital outlay.
Here is scholarship emblazoned with style, his trademark pithy phrasing leaning into, when so required, a candid and sincere appreciation of what happens when poetry works best, as in his magisterial essay on Michael Hartnett, or his warm appreciation of the work of Peter Fallon of the Gallery Press, or the three essays on Seamus Heaney which note a genius at "transmuting observation and experience into language of great physical and reverberative precision." It is a good and apt description of Seamus Heaney's work, and though I suspect Dennis O'Driscoll would have balked at me saying so, it could also serve as an appropriate response to these essays.