reverberation time

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Related to reverberation time: optimum reverberation time

reverberation time

(General Physics) a measure of the acoustic properties of a room, equal to the time taken for a sound to fall in intensity by 60 decibels. It is usually measured in seconds
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References in periodicals archive ?
An example of the phenomenon in question is the development of religious singing influenced by the long reverberation time in sacred spaces.
The panels do the job of sound absorption and reduce the reverberation time in auditoriums and home theatres improving the quality of sound and speech.
The main acoustic problem occurring in this type of buildings is excessive reverberation time, which is caused by application of sound reflecting materials and lack of details.
Schiavi, "Reverberation time measurements in non-diffuse acoustic field by the modal reverberation time," Applied Acoustics, vol.
Quantifying scattered sound energy from a single tree by means of reverberation time. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(1), 264-274.
The room's ceiling will soar more than 30 feet high to prevent sound buildup and to allow a long reverberation time for the music.
In such a big hall, lowering the reverberation time to just 4 to 5 seconds, as suggested by the show's acoustician Eddy Bogh Brixen, requires an enormous amount of acoustical treatment.
What about the pressure of 100dB or the intensity of 100dB or its reverberation time in the Albert Hall?
These ceilings have the strength to handle the trains racing by, and with half the reverberation time of traditional train stations, can absorb the noise of trains and travellers.