revenue cutter

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revenue cutter

(Nautical Terms) a small lightly armed boat used to enforce customs regulations and catch smugglers
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It was painted black, and from the talk of the hunters of their poaching exploits I recognized it as a United States revenue cutter. I pointed it out to Maud and hurriedly led her aft to the safety of the poop.
He had been a member of the crew of the smuggling schooner Halcyon when she was captured by a revenue cutter. He saw with wide eyes, and he could tell what he saw.
That night a German fleet made a dash on Honolulu, sinking three American cruisers and a revenue cutter, and bombarding the city.
They sent their revenue cutters and dispatch boots and lighthouse tenders, and they sent their last antiquated cruisers and battleships.
1790 - United States Revenue Cutter Service established as an armed customs enforcement (becoming Coast Guard in 1915).
This work traces the history of the predecessors of the United States Coast Guard, from the 1790 origins of the United States Revenue Cutter Service, the Revenue Marine, the Revenue Service, and its amalgamation with the US Life-Saving Service into the United States Coast Guard in 1915.
Synopsis: On a rugged frontier where the ocean was king, most laws came from those who ruled the sea--and few ships policed the western Arctic like the revenue cutter Bear.
28, 1915, the United States Coast Guard was created as President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill merging the Life-Saving Service and Revenue Cutter Service.
The GAP, was founded in 1866 and was composed of veterans who served in the Union Army, Navy, and Marines, and the Revenue Cutter Service during the Civil War.
revenue cutter. Historical documents suggest that the killing of the last summer-resident polar bears on the St.
Revenue Cutter Service) to enforce the Nation's customs laws.