

the evolutionary development of races
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He was intrigued by the positive heterosis that was associated with chromosome rearrangements in Moraba scurra and postulated negative heterosis for hybrids between races with different chromosome numbers, arguing that this could provide a basis for raciation even in small geographic areas.
A symposium on Speciation and Raciation in Cavernicoles was edited by T.
Speciation, raciation, and color pattern evolution in Heliconius butterflies: Evidence from hybrid zones.
Barring world-wide catastrophe, the prospects for re-segregation and new raciation are nil.
On the contrary, he affirms it in the following plain words: "At the outset it should perhaps be made clear that I believe, with most biologists, that evolutionary factors, similar to those that have been operative in producing raciation in other animal species, have also been operative in the human species" ([1962] 1982, 58).
Yet, a sizeable group of anthropologists (in particular) and biologists have increasingly criticized the various human raciation typologies.
Haraway notes the postwar humanism of Washburn and his colleagues: They explicitly sought to secure antiracism within their science, to build a "therapeutic physical anthropology enmeshed in the discursive politics authorizing universal man:' But the structure of Washburn's liberal vision of human evolution-speciation early, raciation late, universal functional social institutions-also enshrined gender essentialism and its entailed legitimation of the sexual status quo, just in time for rising feminist anthropology to contest it.
Introduction (to symposium: speciation and raciation in cavernicoles).
Speciation, raciation, and color patter evolution in Heliconius butterflies: evidence from hybrid zones.
Mallet generalizes from Heliconius raciation to underdominant chromosomes and epistatic gene combinations, arguing that the shifting-balance model could equally well cause parapatric speciation by such substitutions.