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(Sociology) extortion or exploitation by a landlord of tenants of dilapidated or slum property, esp when involving intimidation or use of racial fears to drive out sitting tenants whose rent is fixed at a low rate
[C20: after Perec Rachman (1920–62), British property owner born in Poland]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n (Brit) → Mietwucher m
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His name gave us the term Rachmanism, referring to the very worst kind of tenant mistreatment.
But the change in law unleashed 'Rachmanism' - a new breed of aggressive landlord like Peter Rachman who manipulated housing regulations in such a way to increase rents massively and winkle out decent tenants.
The borough that gave birth to Rachmanism - after Peter Rachman, the slum landlord who became synonymous with exploitation - may now become synonymous with housing its people in a deathtrap.
Maybe a few more of the horrific practices of that time, Rachmanism and such, have been stopped, but property speculators have always found some other device to use, and many are investors from abroad.
We tackled Rachmanism through legislation, housing finance and building more local authority housing.
THE word "Rachmanism", although perhaps not heard too often nowadays, entered the language in the 1960s in the wake of revelations concerning the shameful business practices of immoral private landlord Peter Rachman.
The Oxford English Dictionary contains the noun Rachmanism, which it defines as "the exploitation and intimidation of tenants by unscrupulous landlords." The word pays a sort of homage to its namesake, Peter Rachman.
To me it smacks of 60s-style Rachmanism that very expensive rents are being charged, but this time due to the increasing availability of lenders who are prepared, not only to lend, but actively assist and encourage prospective investors.
Rachmanism the extortion of high rents from tenants in slum properties, from Perec Rachman, an unscrupulous London landlord who died in 1962.
The word Rachmanism had been coined to describe all cheating landlords.
We older tenants have been down the private road before and remember Rachmanism.