president elect

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president elect

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References in classic literature ?
"Not a president elected by the nation," replied Barbicane.
"Very well, a president elected by the congress," cried Michel; "and as I am the congress, you are unanimously elected!"
The two candidates for president elect and the nine candidates for Council are all very well qualified to serve in those roles--so much so that I predict you will have a very hard time deciding who might get your vote.
He concluded by expressing his best wishes to president elect Bashir and to the peoples of the Sudan for the commitment to the ideals and principles of democracy.
Karachi -- After taking oath as the president of Pakistan my first priority would be to take efforts for early release and repatriation of Pakistani woman scientist and educationalist Dr Aafia Siddiqui, said President Elect Mamnoon Hussain while talking on telephone to Aafia mother Asmat Siddiqui here.
Conrad, Bobbi Vice President Elect roberta.conrad@nn.-
Including New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who formerly served as Energy Secretary in the Clinton Administration and will oversee economic and trade policy as President-elect Obama's Secretary of Commerce, the group is well-positioned and qualified to take serious action towards the President elect's vision of integrating environmental, energy, and economic policy.
It will be noted that the committee uses the term "President elect" in its generally accepted sense, as meaning the person who has received the majority of electoral votes, or the person who has been chosen by the House of Representatives in the event that the election is thrown into the House.
As President elect and past President this officer shall serve as a member of the MNA Legislative Committee.
Mosley is an executive with the Oklahoma Dental Association and has served the ADAA as Ninth District Trustee and national Secretary, Vice President and President Elect in addition to having filled many offices at the state and local level for the Oklahoma Dental Assistants Association.
DAVAO CITY -- A day after his proclamation as president elect, Davao City mayor Rodrigo Duterte has scheduled his first meeting with his Cabinet here the presidential guest house in the south.
The president elect also received a phone call from Ethiopian Prime Minister Haile Mariam Desalgn.