President Nixon

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Related to President Nixon: President Ford, Ronald Reagan, Watergate scandal
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Noun1.President Nixon - vice president under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United StatesPresident Nixon - vice president under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States; resigned after the Watergate scandal in 1974 (1913-1994)
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Two more ticker tape parades followed in Chicago and Los Angeles that day before President Nixon hosted an official state dinner in the evening - a step up from the freeze-dried beef and veg they had dined out on in space.
A day when President Nixon finally appeared on television to address the Watergate scandal.
He wrote the controversial Moynihan Report ("The Negro Family: The Case For National Action"); advised President Nixon; was an ambassador to the United Nations under President Ford; and much more.
Which building in Washington, DC gave its name to the scandal that led to the resignation of President Nixon? 4.
After his trip to the country, Prince Charles wrote a letter to Sir Alec Douglas-Home, the former foreign secretary, and said that President Nixon had been extremely hospitable and kind.
The entrance is adorned with a huge photograph of President Nixon with Prime Minister Z.A.
There was reportedly an effort of the Democratic committee staff (including then Democratic party intern, Hillary Rodham) to deny President Nixon this fundamental right.
He wanted to make sure that President Nixon saw a letter that his son had written in response to a note from Nixon.
LSC was created in 1974 with broad bipartisan congressional sponsorship and was signed into law by President Nixon. Every year for 42 years, Congress has funded LSC.
1973: President Nixon orders a halt to American bombing in North Vietnam - following peace talks in Paris.
However, our remarkable desk officer back in Washington somehow unearthed a couple of them at the White House--two large, handmade porcelain plates left over from President Nixon's historic trip to China a few months before--that she proposed as suitable offerings.
Hess provides readers with an insiderAEs perspective on the Nixon Whitehouse and the relationship between President Nixon and Daniel Patrick Moynihan in this book.

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