political party

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Noun1.political party - an organization to gain political powerpolitical party - an organization to gain political power; "in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level"
organization, organisation - a group of people who work together
American Labor Party - a former political party in the United States; formed in 1936 in New York when labor and liberals bolted the Democratic Party
American Party, Know-Nothing Party - a former political party in the United States; active in the 1850s to keep power out of the hands of immigrants and Roman Catholics
Anti-Masonic Party - a former political party in the United States; founded in 1825 in opposition to Freemasonry in public affairs
Black Panthers - a militant Black political party founded in 1965 to end political dominance by Whites
Communist Party - a political party that actively advocates a communist form of government; in Communist countries it is the sole political party of the state
Conservative Party - a political party (especially in Great Britain or Australia) that believes in the importance of a capitalist economy with private ownership rather than state control
Constitutional Union Party - a former political party in the United States; formed in 1859 by former Whigs who hoped to preserve the Union
Democratic Party - the older of two major political parties in the United States
Democratic-Republican Party - a former major political party in the United States in the early 19th century; opposed the old Federalist party; favored a strict interpretation of the constitution in order to limit the powers of the federal government
Farmer-Labor Party - a former minor political party in the United States in the early 20th century
American Federalist Party, Federal Party, Federalist Party - a major political party in the United States in the early 19th century; founded by Alexander Hamilton; favored a strong centralized government
Free Soil Party - a former political party in the United States; formed in 1848 to oppose the extension of slavery into the territories; merged with the Liberty Party in 1848
Gironde - the French moderate political party that was in power (1791-1793) during the French Revolution
Green Party - an environmentalist political party
Greenback Party - a former political party in the United States; organized in 1874; opposed any reduction in the amount of paper money in circulation
Guomindang, Kuomintang - the political party founded in 1911 by Sun Yat-sen; it governed China under Chiang Kai-shek from 1928 until 1949 when the Communists took power and subsequently was the official ruling party of Taiwan
labor party, labour party - a left-of-center political party formed to represent the interest of ordinary working people
Liberal Democrat Party - a political party in Great Britain; formerly the Liberal Party; advocates reforms and improvement of the conditions of working people
Liberal Party - a political party in Australia, Canada, and other nations, and formerly in Great Britain
Liberty Party - a former political party in the United States; formed in 1839 to oppose the practice of slavery; merged with the Free Soil Party in 1848
Militant Tendency - a Trotskyist political organization in Great Britain set up in 1964 inside the Labour Party
National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi Party - the political party founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power by Hitler in 1933
People's Party, Populist Party - a former political party in the United States; formed in 1891 to advocate currency expansion and state control of railroads
Bull Moose Party, Progressive Party - a former political party in the United States; founded by Theodore Roosevelt during the presidential campaign of 1912; its emblem was a picture of a bull moose
Prohibition Party - a political party in the United States; formed in 1869 to oppose the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
GOP, Republican Party - the younger of two major political parties in the United States; GOP is an acronym for grand old party
Social Democratic Party - a political party in Germany and Britain (and elsewhere) founded in late 19th century; originally Marxist; now advocates the gradual transformation of capitalism into democratic socialism
Socialist Labor Party - a political party in the United States; formed in 1874 to advocate the peaceful introduction of socialism
Socialist Party - a political party in the United States formed in 1900 to advocate socialism
Dixiecrats, States' Rights Democratic Party - a former political party in the United States; formed in 1948 by Democrats from southern states in order to oppose to the candidacy of Harry S Truman
war party - a political party that supports a war
Whig Party - a former political party in the United States; formed in 1834 in opposition to the Democratic Party; advocated a loose interpretation of the Constitution and high protective tariffs
third party - a political party organized in opposition to the major parties in a two-party system
form of government, political system - the members of a social organization who are in power
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References in classic literature ?
* Many efforts were made during this period to organize the perishing farmer class into a political party, the aim of which was destroy the trusts and corporations by drastic legislation.
You are compelled to form a new political party because the old parties are in the hands of the trusts.
Sparsit still called 'a Powler.' Strangers of limited information and dull apprehension were sometimes observed not to know what a Powler was, and even to appear uncertain whether it might be a business, or a political party, or a profession of faith.
This organisation of the proletarians into a class, and consequently into a political party, is continually being upset again by the competition between the workers themselves.
We might as wisely reprove the east wind or the frost, as a political party, whose members, for the most part, could give no account of their position, but stand for the defence of those interests in which they find themselves.
I computed the number of our people, by reckoning how many millions there might be of each religious sect, or political party among us.
He had practised sophistries and quibbled instead of judging; he had criticised effects and done nothing for causes; his head was full of plans such as a political party lays upon the shoulders of a leader,--matters of private interest brought to an orator supposed to have a future, a jumble of schemes and impractical requests.
So also, as regards the Judge Pyncheon of to-day, neither clergyman, nor legal critic, nor inscriber of tombstones, nor historian of general or local politics, would venture a word against this eminent person's sincerity as a Christian, or respectability as a man, or integrity as a judge, or courage and faithfulness as the often-tried representative of his political party. But, besides these cold, formal, and empty words of the chisel that inscribes, the voice that speaks, and the pen that writes, for the public eye and for distant time,--and which inevitably lose much of their truth and freedom by the fatal consciousness of so doing,--there were traditions about the ancestor, and private diurnal gossip about the Judge, remarkably accordant in their testimony.
In verse 20, Zarathustra makes yet another attempt at defining his entirely anti-anarchical attitude, and unless such passages have been completely overlooked or deliberately ignored hitherto by those who will persist in laying anarchy at his door, it is impossible to understand how he ever became associated with that foul political party.
'We understand that preparations are in top gear in the two states as political parties are inching towards their party primaries and as many interested candidates have collected nomination forms from their various political parties, we urge women to utilise this opportunity to collect nomination forms from their political parties; we hope that political parties will use this opportunity to address issues of internal political party democracy in electing their flag bearers.
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), says only one political party has so far submitted its audited report on 2019 general elections expenses, three months after the poll.